The Good Old Now Eating (and/or drinking)Thread!

No, eat them!!

Horse-Worshipper(AKA a friend of mine :p): "Oooh look at that horse, isnt she beeeeeeeeautiiiiiifull?"
Wazzy: "Its a bloody horse, control yourself, woman!"

HW: "OMG isnt she the cutest?"
Waz: "She was made for helping the peasants on the field or to be eaten. What theyre supposed to do in the wild, noone knows. Prey, or somethin."

HW: "Wow, what a great horse! So beautifull!
Waz: "Yeah, like the other 300 we saw. Very.. horse-like."

HW: "Yesterday, I was riding this horse, and it was such a crazy animal!"
HW: (two days later) "Yeah, the training was really cool, I had a really crazy horse!" (ETC)
HW: "This new horse we've got, you know, it is really..
Waz: *interrupts* Don't tell me.. Crazy?"
HW: "Ehhhh... Yes. :err: Since when do you know so much about horses?"
:-| (okay the last sentence hasnt been said(:p), rest is though! :-o)

....Conclusion: Eat them!
I just cant understand what they see in those big,..not beautiful animals. :err:
And NO, they dont have brains, or understand what youre rambling to them, NO they cant help you with your bf's. FORGET IT. (Theyre ANIMALS, their head is a "kop"" not a "hoofd", edel dier, my ass!)(that was for alllllll the dutchies ;))

Wow. I really had a bad day at school. :err:

[edit2] I love bunnies n_n but I eat them too :-o :cry: OMG thats bad, isnt it..? Oh. .....*conclusion* I like horses too? Deep inside me? :yuk: No, that cant be true. Bunnies are special. *nods*
@Miolo: i completely agree :notworthy horse is the best when raw, but i don't like it as much as beef for steaks (of course almost raw them too :grin: )

@Wazoo: yeah, there are more beautiful animals (like armadillos for example :goggly: ;)), and anyway, as i eat beef or chicken i eat horse too :p
Yeah, and ostriche. And crocodile, snake, beef, sheep, pig (only sometimes, its not that good), chicken, turkey, parelhoen, pigeon (I just want to get rid of those damnéd pigeons, bah), ....*thinks*

Almost raw is the best, quite often :grin:
Filet Americain, for instance :rolleyes:
Well, except for third world countries, horses just aren't necessary like they were 100 years ago or more. So, more meat for the merrier. :p
A bowl of Halloween Apple Jacks :D.


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Siren said:
*me feels there's no understanding for her on this thread* :cry: :p
but no, we always understand *suddenly all board members develop one of those huge naked brains and start to move hands with friendly and understanding moves and hug every human being on the thread* :p (don't pay attention to me, my head spins)

oh, right, the topic: just ate some pasta but my i-thought-was-hungerish headache is still here :s
@Hiljainen: :lol:
Oh yes, I understand that completely, I really need some chocolate now. :hypno: And just chocolate, not a chocolate chip cookie (CCC :p) or something, but just CHOCOLATE! :yell:

NE: Plain toast :p
I am very hungry, so I'll eat some toast first, before I start with the chocolate :p lol

:erk: Now I feel full and I am still hungry :/ Bahh
Hiljainen said:
but no, we always understand *suddenly all board members develop one of those huge naked brains and start to move hands with friendly and understanding moves and hug every human being on the thread* :p (don't pay attention to me, my head spins)
Another day serving wine in class? :lol: :p

NE: Peanut butter filled pretzels and coffee :guh: