The Grand daddy of channel strips, Metric Halo on sale

Cool, so you can expect cranesong to lower their prices, cause with this and the waves stuff all the plugs I bought, except Phoenix, have gotten really cheap;)

I spent like 2 grand for plugs last year that I could have bought for about 600 now, lol

But anyways, get this plugin, it's tits!

Why there is no vst...:(

Cause it's an awesome pro plugin.... And pros use pro tools anyways;)
I hope it'll NEVER EVER add PC support :D
haha, not cause I don't want you to have it, but cause I think it's nice for a company to have something that not every 16yr old prick can download a cracked version of
TonyS: The VST version is called "Native." This plugin is Mac-only though, in case you are a PC user.
I wish the interface was a little better though, nothing bad, but I don't know, it has always looked weird to me... But oh well, as long as it sounds good :)

you know that you can customize it, don't you?

Cool, so you can expect cranesong to lower their prices, cause with this and the waves stuff all the plugs I bought, except Phoenix, have gotten really cheap;)

I hope so, il be getting another PTHD rig next week so that will be good timing, unless i decide to get heat instead.
Bought it last night.

Great plug-in. Stupidly cheap too.

btw - how did you reorder the plugin? I tried and couldn't get it to work last night. Is it a ProTools thing only?