The Great American Gun Fetish

This cant be. Is he gone?

bumpstocks should definitely be banned imo, but it would be hard to ban something that is so loosely defined. A lot of people can make their own custom bump-stock in their garage. And yes, they should definitely have a more thorough look at who they are handing those guns out to.

The only probem with that is actually giving the democrats/feinstein any room. That's how the democrats play. They slowly push/pull their agendas one brick at a time until the the whole house eventually falls.
I'll go out on a limb and say this.... if you think at all this attack wasn't politically influenced as many past incidents in this country and other world events you are a fucking moron. Call it "deep state" it's not a secret anymore of an underlaying influence on world events. It is even more plausible through the mental degradation of populace through social media.

The problem is not guns, it is the social breakdown of overpopulation and mental breakdown of society through lack of discipline of life responsibilities. In short there is probably a 1/3 or better of the worlds population that if were exterminated tomorrow we'd all be the better for. I'd love to post more but I have tomatoes to finish canning.
here's a much better solution
just hand everyone guns
so that when someone tries to do a mass shooting
someone will shoot back
and the death toll will be 2 instead of 20

every time there's any kind of shooting on CNN everyone always misinterprets the 2nd amendment
when someone tries to do a mass shooting,
the 2nd amendment says we have the right to shoot the shooter to reduce the death total
that's how the 2nd amendment should be interpreted