The Great American Gun Fetish

... as if someone can actually have a legitimate argument after saying something so retarded. He literally outdid the OP in his own thread with that statement.

I know Manic cant control himself and sometimes lets his feewings and emotions take over before posting but man I just dont see how anyone can actually put some thought into the matter and come away with such a moronic opinion.
Says the person who throws an absolute temper tantrum every time someone says they don't like a band or album that he likes. :rofl:

...and yes I do have an argument but I doubt this conversation is going to get much further past being called stupid and a cuck, which is exactly why I didn't make an argument right off hand. Predictable, right-wing elbow-bumping children.
Yeah, believe it or not, most people don't Google the names of strangers and use every social networking medium available to try and message them.
...and yes I do have an argument but I doubt this conversation is going to get much further past being called stupid and a cuck, which is exactly why I didn't make an argument right off hand. Predictable, right-wing elbow-bumping children.

I wouldn't call you a cuck, but I'll agree that I've never seen an argument about guns ever change anyone's mind. I do doubt you have any argument including all of the following A. Decent knowledge of firearms B. Good use of statistics. C. An understanding of practical logistics of ban enforcement. D. Explaining what to do with the 2nd Amendment. E. Not running afoul of any number of fallacies F. Explaining how the ban is maintained G. How to get criminals to comply. I've been in a lot of gun debates, and every anti-gunner I've ever debated retreats into special emotional pleading or admits they just don't like guns, not that they have good arguments. Do you see plenty of pro-gun ownership people just screaming "2nd amendment" and "cold dead hands!"? Sure. I'm not that guy.

You're in a particular bind in arguing for a total ban. That's much harder to argue for than something like a registry or universal background checks.
Yeah, believe it or not, most people don't Google the names of strangers and use every social networking medium available to try and message them.

huh? Then maybe you should stop messaging me everywhere else.

Or you can just continue your signature chain of sending people here friend requests-->blocking them-->unblocking them--->sending another friend request etc etc. Get a hold of yourself you unstable fuck. Btw in your little PM rampage before you left you told me you knew where i lived, my parents lived etc(i was SOOOOOOO scared lmao). It was honestly one of the funniest exchanges ive ever had with anyone here and if you keep acting like you weren't trying "harass" me and act like some super tough guy i will publish your little hate filled, racist, homophobic PM for everyone here to see.
...and yes I do have an argument but I doubt this conversation is going to get much further past being called stupid and a cuck, which is exactly why I didn't make an argument right off hand. Predictable, right-wing elbow-bumping children.

Bit of a copout. Blanket opinions are very rarely defensible, even the countries with heavy regulation rarely go full blanket ban. If you have an argument make it, instead of pulling the "knew this would happen so why bother" card. If you knew, why say anything in the first place? lol.
Wanting a total ban on firearm ownership is pure cuckery, doesn't mean I'm unwilling to seriously engage an argument if one is made, but the statement of opinion by itself was mockworthy imo. Echoes of the feefeez centric female-dominated spaces of the Internet abound.

Also can you even buy a firearm Manic due to your mental health issues? Serious question.
by blanket does he mean everyone, including the same people with guns hes going to call when something goes wrong?

Also can you even buy a firearm Manic due to your mental health issues? Serious question.
sure he can ...
i will publish your little hate filled, racist, homophobic PM for everyone here to see.

Go ahead. What’s going to happen? Are they going to ban me? Are people here not gonna wike me anymore? Lol

You’ve messaged me on Facebook, RYM (or what you thought was mine), and an old PSN account I no longer use. I’ve only “harassed” you on here because you were posting my pictures and yeah, mentioning the names of someone’s family members (meaning you googled them) is reason enough for anyone to lash out angrily because telling me about it, much less doing so in the first place, is a cryptic threat.

At this point, I’m pretty sure that you’re just a deranged lunatic with far too much time on his hands. But yeah, me not bending over backwards to your cyber-bullying is certainly a symptom of muh unstablez. You pick fights with everyone on the board.
By blanket gun ban, I mean heavy regulations like they have in the UK and Japan. Both places have record low gun violence.
PM's me and goes on drug induced rampage ----> accuses me of cyber bullying bahaha

you constantly sending me friend requests on facebook, only to never have me accept does not equate to me trying to message you. Are you off your meds again?

Manic Ferocity, the only time he's for guns is when he's gonna smoke your dad :lol:
Uh, no. I sent you a friend request once after the whole Omni thing. If it’s still there, that just means that you never deleted it.

You need to be on meds dude.