The Great Maiden Conspiracy Theory


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Ok, here it is, post your thoughts below...

Am I the only one that thinks everything is going a bit shit a bit quick? I mean, first the website re-design, then that fucking wolf baby crap, the dodgy t-shirts and now this fucking turd tour poster? This is Iron Maiden, one of the greatest bands ever, they ooze class and talent, not baby shit. Perhaps this is just to teach all the nay sayers a lesson, and when the album is launched a state of the art website will be launched, with a design that reflects the amazing album art work. And oh, how we will laugh about the wolf baby and the woman with the funny neck.

Or am I just clutching at straws here? :Smug:
I don't give a shit about anything else except the 50-60 minutes of recorded material on that album, and the 1.5 hours of live time I get to witness.

They can put a guy pissing on the front cover, don't matter to me.
I really hope you're right. If they let everything go to hell like that and that's the way it'll stay, I don't think there's any point in bothering to pay attention to them. If Rod's purposefully trying to kill off their popularity by shit designs, then I'm gonna be super pissed.
I don't really think it's a conspiracy. Maybe a plan or a plot, but not a conspiracy. That would have to involve the whole Maiden staff.

Maiden should sign a deal with Nuclear Blast and get new management.
It's better than computer generated crap... well sorta...

God why not just release some plain lookin thing? Why do they have to work to make it worse? Jesus christ... They're doin a great job of being totally lame right now...

Maidens imagery has been one of their strongest aspects over the years - yeah the music was amazing, but the album covers really helped push Maiden into the forefront of people's minds. I don't think they've had a truly brilliant cover since Somewhere In Time (7th son was nice but not as good as previous stuff), and I think it parallels the music itself. Maiden need to find their dark side again - give us some evil sounding music and a nice aggressiv, well painted album cover by someone like Simon Bisley.
I doubt anyone at Sanctuary could run a kick ass website. Their standards have fallen badly, more worried about making money at the expense of their artists and customers. You only have to look at what they did with the Holocaust Anthology.
i wonder if it's like the majesty of gaia crap and theyre just trying to keep theifs in the music industry from getting wise-or if bruce and steve are fighting again and it's byebye maiden
I can't help but feel that Steve has been less involved with the day to day things the last few years, and as a result Rod's complete lack of being able to organise a piss up in a brewery has shown through. Plus he's had free reign to try to milk the Maiden fans for all their worth before Maiden call it a day.
No it should be eddy dancing around and below him their are people burning in hell. The catch is that some of the peoples faces can be seen and it's people like fred durst and brittney. That would be cool.
dreamwatch said:
Ok, here it is, post your thoughts below...

Am I the only one that thinks everything is going a bit shit a bit quick? I mean, first the website re-design, then that fucking wolf baby crap, the dodgy t-shirts and now this fucking turd tour poster? This is Iron Maiden, one of the greatest bands ever, they ooze class and talent, not baby shit. Perhaps this is just to teach all the nay sayers a lesson, and when the album is launched a state of the art website will be launched, with a design that reflects the amazing album art work. And oh, how we will laugh about the wolf baby and the woman with the funny neck.

Or am I just clutching at straws here? :Smug:
Ive said this before, they must be fooling around with the fans/bashers on the internet and elsewhere