My Maiden Conspiracy theory


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Posted elsewhere, but I shall repeat for your viewing pleasure. :)

Ok, here it is, post your thoughts below...

Am I the only one that thinks everything is going a bit shit a bit quick? I mean, first the website re-design, then that fucking wolf baby crap, the dodgy t-shirts and now this fucking turd tour poster? This is Iron Maiden, one of the greatest bands ever, they ooze class and talent, not baby shit. Perhaps this is just to teach all the nay sayers a lesson, and when the album is launched a state of the art website will be launched, with a design that reflects the amazing album art work. And oh, how we will laugh about the wolf baby and the woman with the funny neck.

Or am I just clutching at straws here? :Smug:
Wolf baby? Dodgy T-Shirts? Don't know anything about those.

I think
a) The website is much better than the old old one, unless it changed again. Hang on. Yep, much better than the old one.

b) The tour poster is cool, with the exception of the atrocity that is that woman-type thing coming in from the right. Take that away and it would be awesome. Maybe not awesome, but pretty good.

So if your consipiracy theory is that Maiden are giving us some quality stuff, then yes, there is a conspiracy. Except for the album cover of the best of the B-Sides. And as much as it pains me to say, I'm not a big fan of the silver Eddie on Visions either. Or the Edward the Great Cover. And the whole ring thing in the archive is a bit cheesy.

But I'm interested in the wolf baby. What's that from?
OOHHH, THAT wolf baby.

And the wolf baby is pretty dodgy as well. My quality argument isn't stacking up very well at the moment. But I still like the website and the poster, for the most part.
hmm I don't think the new site design is too bad, although I virtually never go there anymore. I'm not even registered on their new BB.

I do think the old layout was more unique though.

and yeah, wtf is with that wolf & baby thing? The artwork has DEFINATELY gone downhill recently. The "out of the silent planet" cover was the beginning of it IMO.

Still as long as the music is still good I don't really give a shit about the rest. Except for tours :-|
I'm surprised that they've gone downhill with the album and single covers considering the t-shirts and posters were such a big part of the Maiden empire (I assume). Guess they either a) stopped caring or b) lost the plot.
Perhaps the dip in artwork quality is symptomatic of Derek Riggs getting fed up with all the bullshit and deciding never to work with Maiden again. I thought Melvyn Grant's FOTD cover was pretty damn good. Why not give him the job full time?

As for all the other stuff, I'm with 'Arry. "If you don't like it, don't buy it." I've been a Maiden fan for fifteen years, but I can live quite happily without Rock In Rio, Eddie's Archive or Edward The Great. Their bank accounts aren't hurting, and neither is my conscience :).

Wrathchild said:
As for all the other stuff, I'm with 'Arry. "If you don't like it, don't buy it." I've been a Maiden fan for fifteen years, but I can live quite happily without Rock In Rio, Eddie's Archive or Edward The Great. Their bank accounts aren't hurting, and neither is my conscience :).

I agree with you there - hey, at least they will save me money. :)
Don't get me wrong, I'd like the BBC and the Hammersmith live bits of Eddie's Archive. I just don't need the B-sides as well because I've got them already. Release the other stuff separately and then I'd buy it. Maybe :).

Oh and I don't have Live at Donington either. Silly old Wrathy bought A Real Live Dead One instead. Should I trade it in?

Trading A Real Live Dead One for Live At Donnington would be like swapping gonorrhea for diarrhoea. You may be trading up, but you're still not gonna get laid.
What the heck is this? :erk:


Is that the 'wolf baby'? How very lame.