An open letter to Iron Maiden


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Dear Steve, Bruce, Adrian, Dave and Nicko. Oh, and Janick too.

Dudes, the album cover is gay. Even gay blokes are probably saying, "Good GOD that album cover is friggin' gay!". Saying that the music is what really counts can only take you so far. What ever happened to quality control? Who in the Maiden camp looked at the cover and said, "That's tops!"?

Was it you, Steve? If so, are you going to get any of this cover tattooed on any part of your body like you did with the Trooper artwork? The wolf & baby on your tummykins, perhaps?

Come on guys, fess up! I've got a sense of humour, so believe me, if this is a joke then I'm going to be cacking myself laughing. Honestly.

And if this is your doing, Rod Smallwood, then what's your problem? Did you have a bet with Andy Taylor to see how far you could take a joke, then it's time to give it a rest. Seriously.

Lots of love,
