The hair comes off... today!

Shpongled said:
They day I cut mine, that's where it's going as well, kudos to you! Although, I don't forsee that day in my future. I'm scared of what I'd look like with short hair.

Heh thanks. Yeah it was kind of like ripping off a band-aid, even though that was pretty much the whole reason I grew it. But yesterday I was just like 'fuck it' and I scheduled the appt. and got it lopped off. 14" went in to donation, it was really good hair too, I bet it will make someone very happy.
ginamarina said:
I do it as a spring equinox thing... but this year it's not long enough, three years ago I had 14" cut off and donated it there. It's a good what you're doing. Hope you got a good haircut discount out of it too :)

Heh, actually it was free since I was donating! :)
Random Beard said:
Give it to those who are balding and don't want to, at least we can wear it longer :D


Wait... you said those who are balding, then said we... does that mean that you are balding?
No shit, sherlock. You get an A for pointing out something so obvious only a corpse wouldn't get it.
Random Beard said:
No shit, sherlock. You get an A for pointing out something so obvious only a corpse wouldn't get it.

says the man who had to ask if draw on the walls was tempest's gf or not ;) :lol: just playin

actually I believe the wigs are given to people currently undergoing therapy
All is clear then. I said fuckbuddy, not girlfriend. I may or may not have cared about gender.
Ok so I've been lazy (or just mega busy), but here's the pictures!

Shot of the hair in my house, pre cut of course

Shot of the back

Gettin the cut

lookin like a douche immediately after

And today, a few weeks later

still a little groggy when the picture was taken lol