The Haunted – One Kill Wonder


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
The Haunted – One Kill Wonder
Earache MOSH265CD 17th Feb 2003
By Russell Garwood

Released on the seventeenth of February 2003, “One Kill Wonder” continues in a similar vein to The Haunted’s previous effort, “Made Me Do It”. Standing as brothers Jonas (bass) and Anders (guitar) Bjorler of At The Gates fame, vocalist Marco Aro, second guitarist Jensen and Per Moller Jensen on drums, the group’s music is contemporary thrash. Tight, precise drums and mechanical guitars play off one another, while the bass cements a seamless rhythm section, highlighting the start/stop riffage the songs are swathed in. The vox are a harsh, non-guttural rasp which offsets the energy-filled frenzied music to perfection.

“One Kill Wonder” was produced with Fredrik Nordstrom in Studio Fredman, so, as you would expect, the sound is excellent; the instruments are well balanced and crystal clear. In fact, the only thing that gets to me with this album is it’s similarity to nearly every other recent thrash release. Well-written – yes, well executed – very, but there is nothing original here and as a result the songs tend to blur into one another and get – at times – monotonous. Standout tracks include the more melodic and slower song “Demon Eyes” and the compelling riffage of “Blood Letting”. All in all “One Kill Wonder” is a good album by competent musicians – all it lacks is innovation.
It is by far the worst yet. I think it was made to fulfill contract obligations for Earache. It certainly sounds that way.
I am so disappointed in this album. Although I think there are some killer tunes, overall, it doesn't have that edge that the other albums have. It certainly sounds like they were just going through the motions.

I was so hyped after hearing sh*thead on their site, but this is a big downer!