The Hauted.....Dolving Happy To Be Back ....& Why?

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
THE HAUNTED's PETER DOLVING: 'I'm Really Happy To Be Back!' - Oct. 9, 2003

THE HAUNTED singer Peter Dolving recently spoke to about his decision to return to the group after a several-year absence from the extreme metal scene.

When asked to name his reason for coming back to the band, Peter said, "It's simple. I'm a musician, hence it's my job. I also love THE HAUNTED and we get along really well. THE HAUNTED work hard, like any successful band. It's a really good job, doing what you love with people you really like and love working with. But it's hard as hell, it fucks with everything you could consider being a normal life. [Former singer] Marco [Aro] wanted out. They asked me. I've been busy realizing loads of my dreams, artistic and academic ambitions these last couple of years living off breadcrumbs and going back to sleeping on stage floors and squats to do it. I'm really glad I did cause I needed it for my mental well-being. But when [THE HAUNTED guitarist] Jensen called me I nearly shit myself, 'cause I never ever thought the opportunity would arise again. Basically he told me about their situation with Marco, and that the band has a large audience and can make a living out of it. AND that Earache [Records] is out [of the picture]. Would you say no to that? What I don't think a lot of kids don't understand is why I left the band in the first place. One of the reasons being Earache. Another reason was financially, I was completely fucking broke and I had to work something out to put food on the table, which I did starting my own label and Union ( which is a syndicalist label/management/booking company for reeaally different music. Also back then I had just met my girlfriend and now mother of our two kids and that whole thing was so new and fragile that I didn't want to fuck that up. So I left, knowing I might never get back, but that I had to do what I had to do. Honestly though, I'm really happy to be back."

With regards to his past musical projects and whether his involvement with those groups will continue concurrently with THE HAUNTED, Dolving said, "I've released three albums with THE PETER DOLVING BAND on my own label Creative and toured with the band in Scandinavia and the Benelux. (I've) written for and participated in the release of two albums with anarko/socialist reggae/dancehall/ragga-band GUSTO!, produced stuff with 4 track demons and Sparzanza, and done a shit load of lectures on music industry structure, music-law and management. From now on, THE HAUNTED is the No. 1 priority. Although in the coming year I will release the new PETER DOLVING BAND album, I think we'll call it 'Rejoice!' as a really ironic statement to the world we all live in. Also MARYBEATSJANE are releasing a new album. But since most of the work with these the two projects are finished it'll all work out good. You got to plan well, that's all." Read the rest of the interview with Peter and guitarists Anders Björler and Patrik Jensen at this location.

From BlabberMouth.Net
awesome. now thats what im talkin about. :kickass:

SculptedCold said:
Wow, I didn't realise Dolving was such an intelligent and multi-faceted guy. Its cool that he's the far better vocalist too. =D
what he said. im too lazy right now to type it out.