The Heat


Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
What's the situation in your own countries?

Here it's been like 40° the past 4 days. Forests are burning in the south of France blah blah ... heavy pollution ... I've managed to cope with it in the beginning but now i'm feeling pretty weak, spending the whole day with all windows and stuff closed, loads of fans, drinking drinking drinking pissing drinking drinking drinking pissing drinking drinking drinking pissing drinking drinking drinking pissing drinking drinking drinking pissing till oblivion ...

Is this doomsday ? :erk:
Yea heard about the European heatwave.
Im in Southern California summer is summer here always warm, so we are used to this weather. Average temperature here around 30C more or less.
Yeah lucky you :erk:
We're not used to such temperatures here and have no home air-conditioning :erk:
Hell I must drive to inner Paris today ... I'm gonna burn alive or stay stuck to the seat :erk:
same heat here in swiss and hungary..

which one is worse, humid or dry hot?
Its like 40 °C since about 4 days, before it was like 36 °C... since about a week... I hope it will end up someday in the near future... I hve to shower 3 times a day... and especially in big cities its horrible.. no wind, no rain, just a ventilator in my living room... really , we re not used to that... I wonder how the weather in the UK is !?! Normally its always much colder than in Middle Europe...
But... we will
ah right. it has been like 35 till 38 degrees. since lets see. monday or so. anyway. this morning we had multiple lightning storms so its a bit cooler now. lets say itll be 32 this afternoon or sth. :(

i love the heat.
i think we're heading off to that as well - climatised houses and that. i've fled to my mom's for the time being, cos on the 4th storey, i cant live with heat like this..
dont you guys think the climate has changed over the last few years? the temperature is rising, and moving up north. heatwaves and woodburns are far more common these days and will probably change our scenery the next ten years if this persists.
toolsofthetrade said:
i think we're heading off to that as well - climatised houses and that. i've fled to my mom's for the time being, cos on the 4th storey, i cant live with heat like this..
dont you guys think the climate has changed over the last few years? the temperature is rising, and moving up north. heatwaves and woodburns are far more common these days and will probably change our scenery the next ten years if this persists.

I am sure in a few years, our european scenery will be like in the US... huuge storms, tornados, hurricanes eg... devastated houses eg... sw that on TV and it really frightens me...
Achernar said:
Portugal is burning. I've been on vacation in south Portugal and experienced 50º C for the first time in my life. We had 46º C at night that day...45º C today...I'm dying...

I've heard about that ... :OMG: i feel so fresh suddenly !
The heat is


It's usually about 35ºC here (Pennsylvania) over the summer, and that's where it's at now. Not bad except for the 100% humidity all the time. I can't wait for winter though when it's like -10ºC out and windy. Go frostbite!
Mariner said:
ah right. it has been like 35 till 38 degrees. since lets see. monday or so. anyway. this morning we had multiple lightning storms so its a bit cooler now. lets say itll be 32 this afternoon or sth. :(

i love the heat.

ah that's why everything is looking so grey and wet outside :rolleyes:
(i just didn't get it and i just got up)
toolsofthetrade said:
dont you guys think the climate has changed over the last few years?

yeah its quite weird, i clearly remember as a child having cold snowy winters and hot sunny summers. these days the whole year is more like one constant season.