The horrendous 'productions' of "Q" & "E"


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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I love Borknagar. Make no mistake about that. They've employed tremendously talented musicians since day 1! I adore "The Olden Domain" & "The Archaic Course": both GREAT albums.

However, although the songwriting on both "Quintesence" & "Empricism" are top-notch, the friggin' production/mix on both albums sucks ass.
And because of this, each album (and the band) suffer.

In a nutshell, explaining Borknagar to a non-fan can best be summed up in the following points:
- epic songwriting
- intelligent lyrical themes
- AWESOME vocalists (all three!)
- weak production
the production on quintessence is kinda muddy.

E is very clear but it does lack some power i think.

i have to edit. i didn't mean that in a negative way really. i have no gripes with the production. you can hear it all and considering the stuff going on, its pretty amazing.
Originally posted by SoundMaster
However, although the songwriting on both "Quintesence" & "Empricism" are top-notch, the friggin' production/mix on both albums sucks ass.
And because of this, each album (and the band) suffer.

Well, if you don't like the production on Empiricism then it's safe to say that you won't like the sound on the next one either...

- Asgeir
borknagar sound not glad like helloween and most powermetal stuff. It´s sound more powerfull and cool with a production with sounds on their albums. You have to listen a few times and then you get used to it and really like the albums. Well, thats my oppinion
btw this let me think of an acoustic album which maybe will be released. Don´t know why, hehe, but what I was wondering, is it for sure that there will come an acoustic album, is there more news about it
borknagar sound not glad like helloween

I had quote myself because I mean an other word then ´glad´. I was talking about the ´better´ production about bands like helloween but you know what I mean

Damn I have to do some English homework:p
Originally posted by asgeir
Well, if you don't like the production on Empiricism then it's safe to say that you won't like the sound on the next one either...

- Asgeir

Groovy. I like the production on Empyricism quite a lot. My only gripe is that occasionally the kick drum gets a little lost during some of the blastbeat sections. (fear not Asgeir, the kick disappears sometimes on the new Rush album, so you're in good company with Neil Peart) That said, considering the total amount of stuff that's going on in some of those sections as well as the velocity of the music, it has to be a tough row to hoe as far as mixing goes. This week I'm working a lot on the mixing of our first album, and I think God is getting me back for all the times I've ever bitched about the production of any recording, particularly any metal recording. It's a bit of a chore sometimes getting everything to poke through its spot in the mix.
Originally posted by TravisW
the kick drum gets a little lost during some of the blastbeat sections.

THIS is the reason I (SoundMaster) feel that the production is not up to par.

In terms of songwriting, I feel it's clearly Bork's BEST work!
And Lars' keys are beautiful.
Well, if you don't like the production on Empiricism then it's safe to say that you won't like the sound on the next one either...

Well, thats good news for me!:grin: I LOVED the production.....and there weren't many blastbeats so that wasent a problem for me. the kick sounded fine.:p
Did I hear someone mentioning an acoustic album????

I admit that there is a bit of fine tuning that could have been done on 'Q', but this is no reason to panic.

If any of you read this, please don't make an acoustic album. Please.
this must be testament to the fact that borknagar are so ungodly good... have to feverishly nitpick to find anything wrong.
I thought the production on E was clear, but had no punch or any power at all. There needs to be more than just clarity, something which makes the sound come out and grab you.