The I Love SSD Thread

Jul 20, 2009
Hey! I've just got SSD 3 Platinum! (For those who was in a stone age SSD states for Steven Slate Drums, more info at
I must say that I'm very excited with the amount and quality of samples included, this is definetly what I needed for drums augumentation. Anyway this thread is called not only to thank Steven for the great job he did to bring us this library but to cover some details of working with the plug in itself. I have some reasonable questions concerning the workflow with SSD.

1. The ability to "bounce" (as it is called in DFH Superior). I used to have a direct mic signal seperately with the room on a dif tracks. Yes, you can export the direct bus by soloing every drum & then export the room bus by soloing it. BUT humanization. You will have different sounds going from your direct snare track and from a snare room )) The only one option I found yet is by recording all separete busses on a seperate tracks in PT in a real time, works pretty well. in cubendo you do not have the ability to record on a track nothing except the interface input, so this will not work there.
2. "Stereo" Room & overheads (are they realy STEREO? cause it seems to me that they are mono, maybe i'm wrong)
3. Velocity layers behaviour and...indeed strange humanization system (it seemed quite strange, perhaps after superior and addictive). How do you get them sound more natural?
I think there are some more questions appeared in mids of the SSD users, it will be great to share them here.
I've been using the Slate samples for a few short years now and have loved them. Great way to augment drum tracks and take them to that radio-ready level with minimal fuss. I'm still on 1.5, because I'm not sure I'd get too much benefit by jumping over to 3.0.
glad you guys are enjoying them.. I'll be doing a programming/mixing tutorial for metal with Unearth's Ken Susi very soon.
glad you guys are enjoying them.. I'll be doing a programming/mixing tutorial for metal with Unearth's Ken Susi very soon.

Man, forgive me but, SSD has made a shocking difference to how much music I write. It used to be that I would only write/record if I though I was onto a winner of a riff/idea. The thought that I had to play over shitty drums, that I would end up tweaking endlessly, was such huge a turn off and now thats of no concern its like a creative tap/faucet/whatever has just burst.

But that's enough niceness for any thread. :lol:
we just released some 3.5 demo kits which timeout but are useable for a bit... but the good news is that people are loving them... they are at the SSD forum.

I'm absolutely thrilled that this drum software has inspired people to create music and has helped enhance your compositions. At the end of the day, this is what matters to us most. As you can probably see, we are not a big corporate company who has meetings about increasing revenue... instead we talk about increasing software features, options, sound, and what kind of promotions we can offer so that people can buy the software without forfeiting rent money or mugging old people on the street.

Furthermore, besides my own forum and gearslutz and the occasional KVR, this is the forum I frequent most.. because it has (and I'll say it again) an extreme amount of talented individuals here. And I dig talented people.
and where else would you get brianhood making sexual advances at your female alter-ego? haha.

i really love the stuff i hear from tracks with SSD.

make that S2 expansion already please!! :D

Hey Steve, a question from a SSD noob:

I plan to get the SSD pack in September. Is the 3.5 a new version or an update?
BTW what is the newest version of your products? :blush:

Samples sound fine dude!
i love Steven Slate Drums too... i have never regreted since day 1 in bought it..
i´m still overstrained by the amount of so many different and extremly well sounding drum kits and pieces.

and the customer support of steven is awesome too, not that i have needed it before, but its great to know that you can contact him directly and he seems to be always willing to help out

i´m also looking forward for the update and expansion packs :)

keep up the good work steve!!!