The internet is confusing


Skirt Wizard
Jul 31, 2002
Boston nee San Diego
FalseTodd: Can you have nick call me?
archives key: you should call nick and ask him!
FalseTodd: When yo see im
FalseTodd: No way dude.
archives key: why don;t you just call him now?
FalseTodd: I've got homophobia.
archives key: no i mean nick kyte
FalseTodd: me too.
FalseTodd: I just came down with it last week....
archives key: you should post on the opeth board
FalseTodd: hehehe
FalseTodd: Dude those guys are so *gay*.
archives key: they are such frogs
FalseTodd: Man, I *hate* the french.
FalseTodd: "We don't want to shoot people.."
FalseTodd: What fucks.
archives key: where does it say that?
FalseTodd: No, the french are all like "don't go to war" blah blah blah
archives key: ok...
FalseTodd: yep.
FalseTodd: I'm not as good at this fake racist/homophobic thing as Azal is.
archives key: wait what's this french thing you were talking about?
FalseTodd: You're just pulling my leg now.
archives key: huh?
archives key: dude, what?
FalseTodd: French = anti-Iraqi war.
archives key: yeah, so what?
FalseTodd: Therefore, in my crappy rude internet personality they deserve hatred.
FalseTodd: Frog = epithet for French
archives key: oh oh
archives key: i thought you had changed the subject
archives key: oh hehe!
FalseTodd: No playing off "frog"
archives key: i just mistyped 'fags'
FalseTodd: Why did you call them frogs, then?