The Iron Maidens debut in PUERTO RICO!

What's up with the teddy bear on the drum set? :p

Nicko's never seen without his beloved Sooty. He's an army guy here!! :lol:

800+ people jammed into the Hard Rock Puerto Rico with over 300 outside unable to get in. Top and bottom floors so packed people were unable to move. The girls even had to have their tour van escorted by Hard Rock security and mangement into the venue thru the traffic jammed streets of old San Juan with disapointed fans who could not get in to see The Maidens!
Scroll to the bottom to see the PR fans!

Awesome picture - looks packed to the hilt!! :kickass:
800+ people jammed into the Hard Rock Puerto Rico with over 300 outside unable to get in.

Now,that's something you should be so damn proud of! When the REAL Iron Maiden toured with Blaze,in 1996,here in the US,I've heard they only sold 1500 tickets at some places!:heh:
800+ people jammed into the Hard Rock Puerto Rico with over 300 outside unable to get in. Top and bottom floors so packed people were unable to move. The girls even had to have their tour van escorted by Hard Rock security and mangement into the venue thru the traffic jammed streets of old San Juan with disapointed fans who could not get in to see The Maidens!
Scroll to the bottom to see the PR fans!

Reminiscent of the Mexico City gig?

Sounds like when they invite y'all back I can hear the promoter, "We're gonna need a bigger room".
