The Iron Maidens @ San Diego County Fair, June 17


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
(On behalf of the Maidens, I'll make this announcement.)

The Iron Maidens take the 2009 San Diego County Fair by storm this Wednesday, June 17. So for those in Southern California, be sure to head over to the fair and support the Maidens.

Cotton candy and The Iron Maidens - how much sweeter can it get? :lol:

Also, according to the calendar, Bret Michaels and Foghat are scheduled on the same day. Hope Bret's feeling better after his nasty bump at the Tony Awards.

Up the Irons! :rock:

The Iron Maidens@ San Diego County Fair
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
All Ages!


2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd
Del Mar, California 92014
(858) 755-1161
Official Site
Cone rain or shine make sure to see the big suprise that will make the show have that extra shadow over the girls. You do not want to miss out on the once a year special show. Make sure to stop be after the show to say to the all girls after the show.
i'm gonna try to go.. not sure yet. Depending on if I can get a friend to go with me. Plus I don't get off work till 5pm tooo
jeremy i'm gonna takes some pics of the fried trailer for you to see the menu - a rather extensive list of foods wrapped in batter and dropped in hot oil. the snickers was awesome but i'm gonna try something new this time....
Cone rain or shine make sure to see the big suprise that will make the show have that extra shadow over the girls. You do not want to miss out on the once a year special show.....

Hmmm......????? :confused: Well, I know the Galaxy show in August is a special one as always, but that's the Galaxy!! :rock:

The fair is always a grand time! Activities all day long, and then a nightcap of Maiden!!!! All ages welcome too!!!
Hmmm......????? :confused: Well, I know the Galaxy show in August is a special one as always, but that's the Galaxy!! :rock:

The fair is always a grand time! Activities all day long, and then a nightcap of Maiden!!!! All ages welcome too!!!

and I might miss that one too.. booo. Possibly going to Washington State. And I've been slaving for you guys too @ the Galaxy....LOL
Ladies.....what can I say? I've probably seen you more than any other band aside from Iron Maiden themselves...LOL...and amaze me! I was the...errr...well....fat guy right up against the stage near the middle, in the white shirt.

I love pounding my hands on the stage to Linda's Beat....watching Wanda's fingers fly on the bass....Courtney nailing...absolutely nailing Adrian's solos....Kirstin....this was my first time seeing you and you were fantastic. That note you hit at the end of Revelations just blew me away. Last but never ever always and long-time favorite Sarah....As I've said before, you embody Maiden's music. I've said it before, but it bears saying pour everything you have into your performance. It's not just a show and it's not just music to you. It's in your soul, and I love ya for it....bless your awesome heart!

SO yeah.....fantastic show ladies....what else can I say? The crowd obviously agreed, as this is the first time I've actually had to fight a little for my spot aginst the stage at one of your shows. They got pretty wild for a Maidens was fun!

Thanks again for coming down here. See you soon at the Second Wind in Santee (like 1 frickin mile from my house, no less! Love you for, and at Cane's!
2 Minutes
Man, I hadn't been to a fair in many years, and I don't think one as big as the San Diego Fair. It's a deep-fried food lover's paradise!:goggly: I had a delicious--er, great time (mmm...garlic fries...veggie burger...corn on the cob... kettle corn...)!:lol: Oh yeah, and the crowd was crazy AWESOME! There was one short-ish dude who was crammed up against the stage, bent over with his head on the stage, but he was still banging so I figured he was okay. Rock on, Maiden-heads! :rock: