The Isabel for Moderator Campaign Thread

hmmmm a mod is a bad idea...

and dude, her being a young girl doesn't matter... if a moderator was a good idea, she'd have my vote. Its so much more fun to just bitch at the idiots... except for the freakin' thread resurrection
I'll vote for you only if you create a Nevermore off topic for our shananagans and a place where we actually talk about nevermore.

Because I've talked to a SHITLOAD(they shall remain nameless) of people who don't like and even hate what the normal clique does here. So there should be a Nevermore off topic along with the regular Nevermore board. Kind of like the CoB board.
metalskater7 said:
naa fuck off topic jsut leave it the wya it is and whoever doesn't like what we talk about can fuck off

Still not fair to everyone.
Dead_Lioness said:
Isabel, I like you, I really do,

but when I heard you say soemthing like: "i'll get rid of the idiots like fatty"
thats where you lost my vote.
in case you weren't kidding:

1) this board is for everybody no matter if some people think they are idiots
2) Profanity is far from being an idiot
3) Wendy is always here. she lurks and moderates
4) I don't want the idiots to leave, they give me good laugh, plus, some wil lsay we are all idiots, so who are we to judge others right?
5) neither one of us should be a moderator: we can't be objective.
simple as that. think about for 5 minutes and realise that I am right.

that is all.

in case it was a joke: please ignore this post.

have a splendid day.
oh, you're just my favorite evar.