to thewendy:

How long will it take,
before we start acting like a fanbase, people?

xxx Iris xxx
heh, Enemies of Reality allright!!
I guess that's how it works here, LOM.
See ya

xxx Iris xxx
BWD>>>thanks...but i did the same at the old neverboard. hahahah

ANyway, hell, if everyone thinks pilgy should be banned, and wendy does something....oh well....i suppose he had/has been warned,and asked, and begged with, and bargained with....etc...

Originally posted by Severance
BWD you my friend, are a fucking pussy. You should just have bitch imprinted on your forehead, because you are ridiculously worthless. You listen to metal, act like it. But I guess I better be careful, you might try to ban me too. And just for grins... eat my dick.

so i am a bitch, am i? for defending a territory i call my own? by not using frequent explicatives and insults (which, btw, only goes further to reveal you own stupidity. . . which has been confirmed since your first post). if you want to keep being a ten-year-old, then fine, that's your problem.

people like you are the ones who make metal look bad.
yeh. flaming and being an asshole are just fine as long as you can do it with some style. pilgrim had some (like 2) funny threads in the begining, but all the ones about me are really lame. they're not funny, they're not insulting, they're just a waste of space. his argument that all of OUR threads are a waste of space, so he is going to do the same is stupid. i should have let sleeping dogs lie? you're an idiot haha. if we're all such losers why do you spend so much time here with us? you say we should get a life, why dont YOU go get a life you little fuck. just quit coming here.
Originally posted by neal
yeh. flaming and being an asshole are just fine as long as you can do it with some style. pilgrim had some (like 2) funny threads in the begining, but all the ones about me are really lame. they're not funny, they're not insulting, they're just a waste of space. his argument that all of OUR threads are a waste of space, so he is going to do the same is stupid. i should have let sleeping dogs lie? you're an idiot haha. if we're all such losers why do you spend so much time here with us? you say we should get a life, why dont YOU go get a life you little fuck. just quit coming here.

Go smoke some more pot, you are a very boring person.
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
so i am a bitch, am i? for defending a territory i call my own? by not using frequent explicatives and insults (which, btw, only goes further to reveal you own stupidity. . . which has been confirmed since your first post). if you want to keep being a ten-year-old, then fine, that's your problem.

people like you are the ones who make metal look bad.

Goddamn your funny... keep it coming!!!
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
wow, you ARE funny! :lol:

i've never seen such a lame comeback in my life! :lol:


I'm burned out on this shit....I cant have a good comeback all the time. You still cant shut up, can you????

I know you love all this bickering..
Originally posted by Black Winter Day
i've never seen you make ONE good one. come on. i won't shut up until you do.

Please, god, Please, no more....

I'm sorry, I'm sorry......This is no fun for me anymore. I think I'm actually starting to like some of the people here. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON???????