The Jaxx Show Is...

Oh how I want to go... so fucking far away. They'd better come to Vancouver sooner or later.
Dead_Lioness said:
Its always selling out or close to selling out when Nevermore are playing :)

Now. I remeber playing with them and Arch Enemy to about 40 people. Oh, how the times have changed...

I'm just sad Jim won't be along. I know Jimmy Mac, though, and he's a good guy...
Hello everyone,

I was trying to reply to another thread regarding this show but now I can't find it.

Some out of towners were asking what there is to do before the show in Springfield, probably the best two options is a pool hall/bar not far away called "The Cue Ball" and if you're driving there is another place (closer to the Hilton) called "Hard Times Cafe" that's all ages.

The Cue ball is walking distance, just cross Old Keene Mill road, and cross Rolling road and walk towards Merchant's auto repair shop, it's behind it in a small shopping center, they have a pretty good juke box (for Virginia)

If you're under 21 you can go to the Hard Times cafe, they have pool tables and the food isn't bad. If you go there, put some money in the juke box immediately or else you'll be forced to listen to a bunch of shitty rap.

....a brief introduction, first time here, my name is chris, I lived in Seattle from 1987 until recently, was heavily involved in the scene up there, worked directly with all the big players that came out of the NW (and a lot more of the more talented ones) that didn't make a fortune (like Nevermore, Myramainze, Forced Entry, The Accused, etc...)

I saw just about every Sanctuary/Nevermore show they did up there. I was also the guitar tech for Brad from Forced Entry, they did a bunch of shows with Sanctuary, and we spent a lot of time hanging out and partying with the guys over the years, Brad filled in on the last Sanctuary tour after Blosl left the band.

When Forced Entry finally got out of their deal with Combat I started a small label (Morningwood records) and released "The Shore" not sure if many people in this area heard of it, we only pressed 1000 and immediately got sued because the artist was "inspired" by a cool pic he saw in Time magazine.

If there are some Forced Entry fans going to the Nevermore show, i'll bring the last few that remain along with me. I'd give them away but we lost our ass on that record because of the lawsuit (the CD's I'll bring have the banned cover art) I do need $10 a piece, there are only 10 unsealed disc's in existence, and they are never going to be released again.

I was pretty set on hanging onto the last remaining disc's I have but I think the Nevermore crowd in my new hometown deserves the last remnants of this classic seattle thrash band.

I'll be driving a Gold Convert Mustang wearing a Seattle mariners baseball hat, black leather jacket, and my GF Lindsey will be with me (short blond) be nice to her, she's from seattle as well.:headbang:

At least find me and say hello, I'm a Springfield resident now and would like to meet some fellow Nevermore bashers, maybe catch some shows later on down the road.

take care and see ya at the show.
AnvilSnake said:
Oh how I want to go... so fucking far away. They'd better come to Vancouver sooner or later.

Hey Vancouver, what's up.

You had a chance to see them in Seattle earlier in the month, they played at what used to be the Off Ramp, forgot the new name of the club. I wanted to see it but had to fly back east the day before.

Vancouver is the shit, we used to roadtrip up there all the time, it sucked traveling with bands because the border patrol would give us hell.

There used to be this cool club that had a hotel on the top floors, a "pealer" bar on the ground floor, and the club in the basement, we got ripped with Jeff Waters and Randy Rampage down there one time. Are those guys still around? Legends of BC if ya ask me.

I'll see them Sunday and I'll recommend they do Vancouver for you.:headbang:

eaeolian said:
...down to 60 tickets. Looks like it's going to sell out.

You do have your tickets, right? ;)

If not, PM me. We've got a few left...

What's up eaeolian,
I noticed that you live in Woodbridge, question for you.

I heard they have good shows that this place called East Coast Billiards, any truth to that?

I'm new to the area from Seattle, and looking for places to go.

Seattlemetalhead said:
What's up eaeolian,
I noticed that you live in Woodbridge, question for you.

I heard they have good shows that this place called East Coast Billiards, any truth to that?

I'm new to the area from Seattle, and looking for places to go.

ECB does indeed have shows on the weekends. My cover band's playing there in June, in fact. It seems to be a real mixed bag. Oasis, up Rt.1 from there, has cover bands on Friday nights. That's about it for excitement in Hoodbridge unless you're into a.) acting like a gang-banger, but obviously not being one or b.) into the "everyone gets drunk and regrets their vanished youth" crowd. (Unless you like flamenco, the New Mexico-style place across the street from me does that, sometimes, and the usual group is actually pretty good.)

Otherwise, I go to Jaxx, The Birchmere, The State Theater, etc, to hang out. ;)

BTW, I'm a big Forced Entry fan, so I'll definitely take a copy of "The Shore" for $10, no problem. :headbang:
eaeolian said:
ECB does indeed have shows on the weekends. My cover band's playing there in June, in fact. It seems to be a real mixed bag. Oasis, up Rt.1 from there, has cover bands on Friday nights. That's about it for excitement in Hoodbridge unless you're into a.) acting like a gang-banger, but obviously not being one or b.) into the "everyone gets drunk and regrets their vanished youth" crowd. (Unless you like flamenco, the New Mexico-style place across the street from me does that, sometimes, and the usual group is actually pretty good.)

Otherwise, I go to Jaxx, The Birchmere, The State Theater, etc, to hang out. ;)

BTW, I'm a big Forced Entry fan, so I'll definitely take a copy of "The Shore" for $10, no problem. :headbang:

LOL so true, ever hit up Ned Devines on a sat. night? Nothing but 40 somethings boozin it up.
perfecterror said:
wow i haven't posted on the nevermore board in forever... but i wanted to say that i will be seeing nevermore at the 9:30 club this sunday, hope to see some of you there:D

hey! long time no see! :D how are ya?