I know of 2 people looking for tickets. Sent them both your way...thanks to a last minute snafu, I have an extra ticket. Any takers? call my cell 240-210-6894 as I won't have access to email until too late tomorrow to make any plans.
I know of 2 people looking for tickets. Sent them both your way...thanks to a last minute snafu, I have an extra ticket. Any takers? call my cell 240-210-6894 as I won't have access to email until too late tomorrow to make any plans.
The show was awesome! Though I never found Mike or Dave. And Ron, you sent those texts to me, not James. Haha.
The show was awesome! Though I never found Mike or Dave. And Ron, you sent those texts to me, not James. Haha.
I don't think Mike or Dave ever left the bar until Symphony X came on.
good seein you guys again last night, and the show totally kicked ass! seems SymX just get better everytime I see em
hey, at least the sound was better than Testament!![]()
yea the sound was terrible, I also taped the show, but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. I'll let you know how it turned out.