The Kerrang Review


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
It's all just a painful memory now, but Maiden conoisseurs had to endure a lot of gritting of the teeth during the 1990's.The albums the band produce during that period ranged from half-baked 'No Prayer For The Dying' through to the turgid 'Virtual XI'; the bands knack of making exhilarating heavy metal records seemingly knackered by the loss of guitarist Adrian Smith and, later, frontman Bruce Dickinson.

But how times have changed.One timely reunion, and one magnificent comeback album later, and suddenly Iron Maiden are just about the coolest thing on the planet.The number of bands currently aping that trademark gallop and those scintilating twin-guitar harmonies has risen dramatically in recent years, with everyone from blatant worshipers like Iced Earth and In Flames through to more unexpected acolytes such as Atreyu and 3 Inches Of Blood ass 'fessing up to the self-evident fact that there is no sound on this earth more glorious and celebratory than Iron Maiden on top form and in full flight.

All of which means that 'Dance Of Death' marks the point where the pressure on Steve Harris and co to deliver a blinder has increased tenfold. 2000's 'Brave New World' was a strong return to form.The tension between Dickinson and Harris was crackling once again, and the edge that Adrian Smith brings to the band's songwriting made the band's 12th album an enormously satisfying experience for die-hards and newbie fans alike.But was it a false dawn? Was it bollocks!

Put simply, 'Dance Of Death' is Iron Maiden's best album since 1988's 'Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son'. Heavier and darker than 'Brave New World' and with none of that albums long winded-rambling,this is as passionate and fired-up as the band have EVER sounded.

First single and opening track 'Wildest Dreams' is arguably the weakest thing here, but it is a grower; a thunderous heads-down race to the finish with a deceptively catchy chorus and the kind of dramatic, rythmic flourishes that have been conspicuous by their ansence from Maiden albums for far too long.
'Rainmaker'. with it's explosion of triple-guitar harmony histrionics and another devasting chorus, is one of the finest songs Maiden have ever recorded.

'No More Lies' is the kind of song that Steve Harris has been attempting to pull off for years: a punchy and progressive seven-minuter that trounces the lumbering durges of the Blaze Bayley era. Three tracks in and anyone still doubting that Maiden have recaptured the magic of their heyday should be foaming at the mouth by now.
'Montsegur' is the heaviest thing to appear on a Maiden album since the band's early days; a brutally melodic anthem that strongly recalls 'Where Eagles Dare' from 1983's 'Piece Of Mind' album.The title-track is another one of Harris' convoluted epics, with strong shades of 70's prog legends Jethro Tull and a faint, but forgivable, whiff of Spinal Tap.

'Gates Of Tomorrow' and 'New Frontier' follow; both surging, mid-tempo bursts of muscular melody and percussive bluster.The latter features the first ever writing credit for drummer Nicko McBain and positively reeks of single potential.
Next comes 'Paschendale' another epic and possibly the finest thing here; eight minutes of structural invention, cavalier aggression and lyrical poignancy.
The final three tracks on 'Dance Of Death' are all stunning. First come 'Face In The Sand' - a stately, kick-drum powered waltz with a dash of orchestral elegence. Then 'Age Of Innocence' delivers the album's most gripping affecting melody, allied to a crafty, world-weary lyric.
'Journeyman' brings the album to a close with sweeping strings, understated dynamics and another chorus to die for.

It's all stupendous stuff and concrete proof that Maiden are as electrifying and important as they have been in a long time. Ten years ago, it was unthinkable that they could make more albums of this quality.This is their second out-and-out belter in a row.Long may they reign.

OK so it's Kerrang, but interesting nevertheless - "Wildest Dreams" the weakest on the album? Thank god. And I think I have a hard on already for "Montesgur".

Who's ATREYU and 3 INCHES OF BLOOD by the way - anyone know?
As one of the few who still enjoys Brave New World, I don't think I'll have any problem with this album, despite the apparent lack of originality, I'm still expecting epic and instrumentally solid Maiden...

Receiving Dance Of Death, the song, as I write this...I'll give my opinion later...
I critiqued the Kerrap review on the BLAZE BB...I'll copy'n'paste my comments if I'm motivated cos I don't have the energu to think right now :D
I really really really really really really really really want this album to be good, and from reading this, I still believe that it probably will be, but Dance of Death is just not a good song. In fact, I'd call it a bad Maiden song. I've heard it about a half a dozen times, including once live, and it has not gotten any better. Did anyone see the video on the Ball Saturday? Horrible!
bloodfiredeath said:
...but Dance of Death is just not a good song. In fact, I'd call it a bad Maiden song. I've heard it about a half a dozen times, including once live, and it has not gotten any better. Did anyone see the video on the Ball Saturday? Horrible!

OUCH! But hang on - are you talking about Dance of Death, or Wildest Dreams? Did they play Dance of Death live at a show?
bloodfiredeath said:
Damn! That's what I meant, Wildest Dreams. Sorry.

OK cool. And I agree with you man, but I've only heard it once at the show. The thing that makes me feel ok though is that the Kerrang review said Wildest Dreams was the worst song on the album...

...the way I see Dance of Death as being a success is if they improve upon Brave New World. I don't think they'll ever surpass what they did in the 80's, and so Brave New World becomes like a new benchmark.
Listening to Maiden during the 90's was just soul destroying, especially No Prayer for the Dying. After reading the fantastic reviews about BNW and how the three guitar line-up was superb I bought the album. Okay, it's not that bad, but it's not brilliant either. I can only stomach the first five tracks before I go into cringe mode listening to the remaining tripe.

I really hope that Iron Maiden pull through on this album, but I have to ask why release the shittiest track "Wildest Dreams". This sounds like a really bad 'B' side. My mind just boggles at the arse-ness of this track (on the Iron Maiden site, includes the music video).

Well, fingers crossed for next Monday.
I wouldn't say Wildest Dreams is that bad...funnily enough, when I bought and listened to the single the other day it felt just as good as it did at Donington. They could do better but they could do a whole lot worse...

As far as the album goes, I think what you've got to understand is that Maiden don't do albums that sound exactly like their 80s ones did any more...the style's changed, albeit hardly radically, but you'll probably get along best if you take the album on it's own terms as opposed to "Number Of The Beast part 4" like some of my mates wanted to, bless 'em...
Got the whole album off usenet today. After one listen, I can easily say that Wildest Dreams is the weakest song. They made it the first track too!

...the way I see Dance of Death as being a success is if they improve upon Brave New World. I don't think they'll ever surpass what they did in the 80's, and so Brave New World becomes like a new benchmark.

Agreed. On that criteria, I would call this album a success, and I liked BNW. Again... only one listen so far... :)
bloodfiredeath / Erik - I notice you guys are listening to this already...come on - give us an update (even thought I'll be buying this tomorrow).

Tell us, after more than one listen, is the album their best since Seventh Son?
Well, BNW shares #3 spot on my Maiden Top 5 list with The X Factor, and I think DoD makes an ideal companion to it. It has it's own plus and minus points to BNW, but overall worth an investment :)