The RC Dance of Death review


Lost to Apathy
Feb 26, 2002
Knoxville, TN
I really enjoyed reading Jay's thoughts on this record. It pretty much sums up my feelings as well. I grew up listening to Maiden and they are very important to me. I feel the album is a grower and has more depth than BNW. The one thing I disagree with is Jay's thoughts on Jannick Gers. Some of the best songs from the last four records have been written or cowritten by Gers, and having had the oppurtunity to meet him, he is the most gracious, laid back and approachable member of the band IMO. Check out his segment on the Rock in Rio DVD. His manner with the fans was incredible. Do I think his stage antics are overdone...of course. But his talent and song writing skill has a place in Maiden and I wish the fans could accept that. I am glad Steve showed a measure of personal loyalty and did not expect him to bow out when Adrian returned...

Adrian is without a doubt my favorite guitrarist in Maiden, and Jannicks best contributions could never match Adrian's. But I find myself wondering how much of our opinion is clouded by nostalga.

Excellent review from an excellent writer.
@rhavin2112 - I thought about this for a while, and you're right. I think there is an element of nostalgia at play because people like us didn't get into Maiden at Fear of the Dark, for example. We remember the buzz and excitement of what it was like back in the day when they were in a class of their own.

Honestly, in my review, I didn't play on Janick's onstage performances, or even his song writing skills. I actually think Montsegur is the best song on the album.

However, my major complaint with Janick Gers is that I think he is a HORRIBLE guitar player. His solos, for example, make my flesh crawl. This has nothing to do with wanting him out the band or anything like that, it's just that for some reason, I just cannot stand his style of playing. I'll spare you the details as to what I think is specifically wrong with his playing.

A perfect Maiden for me would be (1) they get rid of Kevin Shirley, and (2) Gers stops soloing altogether.

I don't want to see Gers leave the band, I think he's paid his dues. However, from a musical standpoint, I think his absence would leave little to no impact on their future. It wouldn't be the same as, say, Smith or Dickinson leaving.

Hope that makes sense. I know most people are bored with me going on about Gers probably... :lol:
JayKeeley said:
@rhavin2112 - I thought about this for a while, and you're right. I think there is an element of nostalgia at play because people like us didn't get into Maiden at Fear of the Dark, for example. We remember the buzz and excitement of what it was like back in the day when they were in a class of their own.

Honestly, in my review, I didn't play on Janick's onstage performances, or even his song writing skills. I actually think Montsegur is the best song on the album.

However, my major complaint with Janick Gers is that I think he is a HORRIBLE guitar player. His solos, for example, make my flesh crawl. This has nothing to do with wanting him out the band or anything like that, it's just that for some reason, I just cannot stand his style of playing. I'll spare you the details as to what I think is specifically wrong with his playing.

A perfect Maiden for me would be (1) they get rid of Kevin Shirley, and (2) Gers stops soloing altogether.

I don't want to see Gers leave the band, I think he's paid his dues. However, from a musical standpoint, I think his absence would leave little to no impact on their future. It wouldn't be the same as, say, Smith or Dickinson leaving.

Hope that makes sense. I know most people are bored with me going on about Gers probably... :lol:
Jay-Here is question I've been wondering lately...If Bruce ever gets ancy again and leaves how devasting would the effect be on Maiden considering the resurgence in the bands popularity has been built on the return of Bruce? Would Steve pack it in at that point?
rhavin2112 said:
Jay-Here is question I've been wondering lately...If Bruce ever gets ancy again and leaves how devasting would the effect be on Maiden considering the resurgence in the bands popularity has been built on the return of Bruce? Would Steve pack it in at that point?
I think it would be devastating - even when he left the first time, Steve continued to write songs with Bruce in mind (as if he'd never left). I don't think Steve would pack it in though - it's in his blood. He would probably pick a more suitable replacement and quit touring (which is what they intend to do anyway).

By the way, if Bruce gets creative and wants to do his own thing again ON THE SIDE, I would be delighted. How he'll ever live up to Chemical Wedding is beyond me, but Bruce, Adrian, and Roy Z do seem to make a good trio.
JayKeeley said:
I think it would be devastating - even when he left the first time, Steve continued to write songs with Bruce in mind (as if he'd never left). I don't think Steve would pack it in though - it's in his blood. He would probably pick a more suitable replacement and quit touring (which is what they intend to do anyway).

By the way, if Bruce gets creative and wants to do his own thing again ON THE SIDE, I would be delighted. How he'll ever live up to Chemical Wedding is beyond me, but Bruce, Adrian, and Roy Z do seem to make a good trio.

I have heard from numerous sources that Bruce's solo career is not dead. I think we'll see another solo record once the DOD tour is done.

BTW-I miss talking to ya brotha! Its good to among the sane again:)
I don't think anything short of death and debilitating injury would stop Steve from continuing forward with Maiden, although he must realize that to most people, Bruce is the one voice of Maiden and would be taking a gigantic risk by attempting to replace him again should he leave...

...that said, I've been waiting forever for the followup to CW.