
Dec 18, 2004
Has anyone seen this movie? It is great! It is a documentary about the chase for the world record on the original Donkey Kong. I don’t usually do documentaries and to be honest, I went into this very blind and did not know it was a documentary when I rented it.

This was great on many levels. Being in my late 30’s ( I can say that for 1 more month) I have a real appreciation of old school video games but nowhere near the level that the guys in this movie have. But even if you have no interest in old games you will be able to get something out of this movie. I have included a link below for those who have not seen it that gives a solid review although there is some information in it that I would not have wanted to know prior to seeing the movie.

If you have seen it, what did you think about it? I give it 5/5 stars.

If you have not seen it, then get it. You can see it free online on netflix if you are a netflix customer. Otherwise, you can get it at your neighborhood video store.
I saw it a few weeks back and have mixed feelings on it. I'm only 23 but grew up with donkey kong on my nes. a bit different than pumping quarters into an arcade machine, yes, but still was a game i grew up with.

I really like the idea of the movie and yeah, you kind of get to the point where you are cheering for one guy and despising the other by the end, but it really kind of lacked the spark for me that made it interesting.

Also, i have to say i absolutely LOVE well done documentaries. Doesn't matter if they're serious or fun and lighthearted, as long as it's well done. Maybe i should start a documentary thread.

Oh, and i'd say 3.5 or 4 out of 5 stars. Good, but didn't blow me away.
Donkey Kong is one of my favorite arcade games. I just bought it after reading a ton of reviews. Am going to watch it tonight. Ebert And Roeper gave it 2 thumbs up!
Just finished watching it! That was a frigging great documentary film. That guy Billy Mitchell is an ass though! Anyone can tape! Prove it in public like Wiebe!