The kings of aggression


Mar 17, 2008
Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Right, everyone knows of albums like Pleasure to Kill and Darkness Descends being some of the fastest, rawest and most aggressive thrash records there are. Question being, do you prefer these sorts of albums or do you like your thrash with a little more melody? If the answer is yes to the former, then why do you think that such albums don't exist anymore?

Original thread FTW :cool:
thrash with melody for me please. I like my stuff heavy and fast, that doesnt necessarily mean that it has no melody. IMO if it has melody its better songwriting, anyone can play a bunch of notes at incredible speed but if its not done accurately or without any melody it just sounds like noise to me. :)
It depends on my mood.
If I'm super pissed or want to get pumped up for something I'll just listen to something aggressive
If I'm just hanging out at home I'll prefer something melodic.

:lol: I kid, I kid. To be honest, I like both but I've been leaning towards the really fast, technical an aggressive stuff a lot more recently. I just find it a shame that albums like Pleasure to Kill, Beneath the Remains, Seven Churches and Darkness Decends aren't made anymore. Everyone focuses so much on melody and catchy riffs (hell, even me!) and all the lightspeed thrash has gone, and I thought I'd ask y'all about such a topic.

Oh, and I'm well aware that the records mentioned have melodies but not in the same sense as most other thrash recrds. No need to point that out, you know what I mean haha :p
my thrash almost has to have some melodic depth, (although pleasure to kill is one of my favorite thrash albums) It's why megadeth pwns all. they're fast as hell, but are probably the most melodicly complex of the first wave thrash bands.
thrash with melody for me please. I like my stuff heavy and fast, that doesnt necessarily mean that it has no melody. IMO if it has melody its better songwriting, anyone can play a bunch of notes at incredible speed but if its not done accurately or without any melody it just sounds like noise to me. :)

I like it Melodic. I mean I like both, but I LOVE melodic thrash. Heathen, Xentrix, Paradox, Realm. I like it best if it's technical and melodic. Are Forbidden considered melodic? I mean, I know some of their songs quite blatantly are, but stuff like Chalice of Blood or Out of Body (Out of Mind) certainly rely more on a bit of raw, shouty brutality. They're my favourite. Just the right mix of both to create something unique :)
I like it Melodic. I mean I like both, but I LOVE melodic thrash. Heathen, Xentrix, Paradox, Realm. I like it best if it's technical and melodic. Are Forbidden considered melodic? I mean, I know some of their songs quite blatantly are, but stuff like Chalice of Blood or Out of Body (Out of Mind) certainly rely more on a bit of raw, shouty brutality. They're my favourite. Just the right mix of both to create something unique :)

Just to clear it up, more 'melodic' stuff coutns for pretty much all thrash records, except those ridiculously fast and gritty ones like Pleasure to Kill, Seven Churches, Darkness Descends. you know the type of record I mean.
my thrash almost has to have some melodic depth, (although pleasure to kill is one of my favorite thrash albums) It's why megadeth pwns all. they're fast as hell, but are probably the most melodicly complex of the first wave thrash bands.

I'll go with this.
I just find it a shame that albums like Pleasure to Kill, Beneath the Remains, Seven Churches and Darkness Decends aren't made anymore. Everyone focuses so much on melody and catchy riffs (hell, even me!) and all the lightspeed thrash has gone

It sounds to me like your just not looking in the right places, there's quite a few bands doing the fast/aggressive stuff, taking just those on the Thrashing Like A Maniac CD there's Dekapitator, Warbringer, Merciless Death, Violator if not more, to my ears they all have more in common with Kreator or Dark Angel than Testament or Megadeth or whomever.

I can't speak to whether they put out full albums which have the intensity of stuff like Pleasure To Kill e.t.c. but they're definitely in that vein.
You have a pretty tight definition then of what fits in as 'fast aggressive' thrash, you could hardly call those bands melodic thrash...
As for Merciless Death I only know that one song, its raw as fuck and all the better for it, they're more interesting for all their flaws than the (relatively) vast raft of shitty generic thrash bands that I've seen over the last few years floating around the UK scene.
No no, you're completely misinterpreting what I'm trying to get at :lol: Nevermind, there there.

I listened to MD's "Evil In the Night" and laughed my tits off at it. They want to be Pleasure to Kill-era Kreator and be as fast, aggressive and 80s as they possibly can. I take my hat off to 'em for trying, I really do, but I laugh at the fact that they tried so hard they fell over their own hi-top laces
No no, you're completely misinterpreting what I'm trying to get at :lol: Nevermind, there there.

I'm only working from what you've written, not all the sub-text you may see in your head, you lament the loss of fast aggressive thrash, then you say a band is too retro and trying too hard to be fast and aggressive thrash.

Like what you like, for whatever reasons you like, but if you want to make a point, be more concise.
I like it Melodic. I mean I like both, but I LOVE melodic thrash. Heathen, Xentrix, Paradox, Realm. I like it best if it's technical and melodic. Are Forbidden considered melodic? I mean, I know some of their songs quite blatantly are, but stuff like Chalice of Blood or Out of Body (Out of Mind) certainly rely more on a bit of raw, shouty brutality. They're my favourite. Just the right mix of both to create something unique :)

yeah Forbidden are definitly a Thrash-band with melodic influences though their first album is very aggressive but "Twisted into Form" has a lot more of progressive-metal elements like you can hear in some instrumentals like "Spiral depression" but still it's very heavy too..It's the perfect Progressive/Thrash-metal album IMO.