The last album that completely owned your soul


I really liked legend of the bone carver by pyramaze, although lances king's slow as ass vibrato CAN get annoying after the 3rd listen.
Darkest Hour - Undoing Run

Though I usually don't dig the whole hardcore bit, I just love Darkest Hour. Dunno why, Kris Norris is fucking, AMAZING.

King Diamond - Eye of the Witch

Still learning those tasty licks.

Recommend me some tunes.
either my previous comment, or you guys throw out "soul owning" WAY too lightly.

Seriously... I take "owned your soul" way lightly; as in what I am currently non-stop playing. But, if having to be taken in the sense of "Own your soul for eternity", then I must say those 2 albums give my soul soul-head.
The most recent albums to own my soul are
Tomorrow's Eve- Mirror Of Creation: Genesis II
Fortid- Voluspa Part II: The Arrival Of Fenris
This rules.

Yeah, I already got Gojira, and I must say that out of all the rest that I've listened to this year, that one is the biggest surprise and kick in the ass that I've had in a long time. New Behemoth is great, too.
edit: venetian snares is still gay.
