The Last Alliance-Power Metal Band Heavily influenced by Blind Guardian & Iced Earth


New Metal Member
Jun 3, 2013
For a FREE FULL ALBUM STREAM and purchase of "Lost in Legend" as well as free downloads of tracks visit:
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The Last Alliance is a power metal band from Queens New York. The band originally formed in 2002, with many lineup changes. Currently the band consists of: John Ryan, a very talented vocalist and guitarist who is the only original member of the band. Ryan Berg, the bassist, who the band discovered through a myspace music classified post and has been a long term member in the band since 2007. Chris Montalbo, their lead guitarist was a friend of the band for years, and also plays in a band called Uncreation. Joe Murawski, the drummer, was discovered at a McDonalds in Glen Oaks, NY by drunken Ryan who was told by a friend that he played drums. Most recently added to the band is Dan Capou due to the increasing technicality of the songs, taking John off the guitar leaving him with a better concentration on his vocal performance. The band is highly influenced by classic power metal bands such as Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Savage Circus, and Persuader. 2011 marked the release of their debut album "Out of the Ashes", most of the songs written by their original lead guitarist Jonathan Ledesma.

May 21st, 2013 marked the release of the band's 2nd full length studio album "Lost in Legend". The album features lyrical content based off fantasy and fiction including themes of classic movies such as "Lament configuration" based off of "Hellraiser", "Dangerous Days" based off of "Bladerunner"(dangerous days was the original title for the movie), and also features a Westeros Trilogy inspired by "A song of Ice and Fire" and "Game of Thrones" consisting of the songs "To the Far North(of Winterfell)", "Beyond the Wall", and "White Walkers". Though not necessarily true, we like to pretend that "Children of the Wilde" is really "Direwolf" haha, but we'll leave that to the listener's interpretation. A favorite of the band's, and official closer of the album is called "Turmoil Within" and is based off the popular video game "Skyrim".

"Lost in Legend" is just a straight to the point album, no dragged out intro's, no dragged out solo sections, these tracks get up in your face right off the bat and is just a killer album. If you're a nerd &* love fantasy, fiction, game of thrones, lord of the rings, videogames, or you're just a true fan of power/thrash metal, we know you'll like our music. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing and recording it.