Blind Guardian VS Iced Earth

Originally posted by She Wolf

No, no, no, no. You can't give up. If it's technical assistance, I can get the old man to fork over the knowledge. After that, it's just practice, practice, practice. (Spoken like a mom - doh!) Where's that positive attitude you just reminded ME of? :lol: Ah, most grand things in life are achieved only through great pain (remember I had babies) - you can do it Spawn - I believe in you! ;) :headbang: :hotjump: :yow: :devil:

The sort-of wise one has spoken. Okay, I'll shut up now.

But its ALSO a lot more fun to play :D Especially if noones home and I can play really loudly :headbang: :lol:

(Its actually only one note of the main riff on fiddler I cant hit, as its too far to stretch!)
Originally posted by Goreripper
I think Blind Guardian are actually a better band musically, in much the same way as, say, Dream Theater are better musically than just about anyone, but I like Iced Earth more than Blind Guardian, and just about anyone better than Dream Theater.

Heheheh that's exactly what I think too :)

And I hate Dream Theater because even though they are great musicians, I think the point of being good at your instrument is so you have the tools to enhance your songs, not write songs around showing off those skills. Boring.


As Gene Simmons once said.. "I'd rather here a simple A chord that cracks your ribs than a million notes that just sound like an angry bee."

I'd must rather listen to Twisted Sister and AC/DC play 3 chords but write excellent hard rockin' anthems, than hear 12 minutes of fiddly progressive jazz/funk/metal fusion crap where not even one part of the song is catchy or memorable in anyway.