I love this guy He's the dogs bollocks, stars in an english show called Balls of steel: http://hornyoyster.com/video-metaca...ng_devil.swf&title=Annoying%20devil video
EDIT: Most of it isn't fixed, i.e. the shit bucket was unexpected and that was a random citizen who wasn't aware of him. It's spontaneous, and he has no bodyguards.
The show was banned I think There were numerous complaints about how offensive the practical jokes were, such as dropping a bucket full of golf balls in the green of a golf course, or reading a newspaper which read: BEDWETTER or CLOSET FAG with an arrow pointing to somebody he was adjacent to. I think a funny one was when he stuck his fingers down his throat and vomitted in a popcorn bucket, took it onto a rollercoaster and threw it at the people behind him