The Leak! is out

Hey hey, new IE fan here. I downloaded BIO months ago & now after several listens I'm finally into it (ernity, hur hur). I've also heard Severe Emotional Distress & it's brilliant, so just to let you know I won't be downloading the new album. I know I'm gonna love it so I'll just wait & go buy it when it's released. Great band \m/
ya the kick drum is really out of place with the rest of the music. The sound itself is good just with the rest of the music it's kind of annoying.

EDIT: I just downloaded the whole album, the kick drum only sounds annoying on the first song the rest of them it sounds good. Btw this album rules
sampled drums are easier to manipulate in comparison to regular. try it out yourself one time if you got a kit in your room/home studio. example: easy to deal with a single stroke, than 4 strokes in the same amount of time, as far as EQ, compression, etc. goes. so you get one perfect stroke and repeat it. naturally a drummer won't perform "perfect" hits each time. hell with the proper FX you can make the perfect sounding kick. additionally with a few simple plug-ins you can pop in the kicks to align with most of the other kicks in the song.

another example: if I used samples from the drumkit from hell would it still be as awesome? maybe, but its not my doing what so ever that made it awesome. it was awesome to begin with.

not trying to rag on andy sneap's amazing work or jim's drumming. but i feel samples are something most people can do with enough time. i feel the overall mix of the album was amazing, except the kick could have been mixed in better, which is something that could have been controlled easily... then again if the band's request was to have it louder in the mix can't really argue there as it is all a matter of taste and there's no right or wrong in production. Personally I prefer the most natural sounding record as there can be.
zmetallica said:
Personally I prefer the most natural sounding record as there can be.

I hear where you're coming from - totally! It took Scott (old bass player and engineer of BIO) over 6 months to convince me to let him lay in samples on BIO.

He said he would just try one song - with sampled drums - to let me hear how it sounds.

As stubborn as I was - I was actually surprised as to how clear it sounded with the samples in there - and was won over. BIO is 70% real drums 30% samples - and was unquestionably the best production of the three albums for IE.

Production means a lot. Samples help bring out that production. It took me a long time to say 'yes' to samples - but after hearing the before and after there's no denying samples make everything sound that much clearer.
zmetallica said:
whats the mix % on the new album?
and 70/30 isn't that bad of a ratio, as it is just like doubling a guitar, but to have the sample be the dominant part doesn't make much sense to me as you lose dynamics in the sound of the playing.

It's 100% for the drums. Cymbals are all original. We just got discs last night and CM added some studio footage to the CD.

Tim was just making little videos on his camera and sent em to CM and they compiled them and added them to the disc! Twas a surprise for us - but a cool little bonus with buying the disc. No drum footage was taken - as we didn't know this was going to happen and I was first in the studio recording by myself - but you do hear a lot of the raw mix being played back when tracking vox on the video footage - check it out when the disc comes out! That sounds really good too actually - both samples and raw are a good sound - but I trust the overall sound - which we're all really happy with - may not have been as good without samples.
i got it and i love it. will definately pick it up when it comes out...just wish it would be out when i go to Gigantour so that i could buy it there and maybe get it signed. but whatever. it's a great album and i will definately pick this one up.
I would love to buy the new album when it comes out, but I'll have to wait and order it from overseas, because Andrew Haug, head of CM in Australia is a cock face and doesn't do shit to promote nor even release any of IE's albums in this country.... and I remember last time I complained about BIO not being released in Australia, he had emailed me asking if I got myself a copy here... what a fucking idiot.... that's really possible when copies of BIO only just came instore, I think earlier this year....

In my conclusion..... CM Australia are a bunch of lazy assholes and even if the new cd doesn't get shipped here... I might just get it new off ebay or something ;)
As a drummer- I realize samples are necessary, especially covering up stray hits, just making it a little clearer. Everything sounds great, except the kicks. It stands out more in more melodic situations. Did you try different combinations, such as mic AND triggers? The natural kick sound, with a little sample to get it more clicky, I think would have made things a lot more natural sounding. The albums amazing, your playing is absolutely phenomenal, and I look forawrd to purchasing a T-Shirt AND CD at Gigantour!
Thanks a lot man! I still stand by the kicks sounding awesome. I really like it - the rest of the guys do too! Make sure to come say hey on the Gigantour. I don't know how these meet and greets work - but if not at one of those I'll probably be floatin around the venues somewhere!
I downloaded the album - I couldn't wait, and I haven't been able to stop listening to it yet. It took me awhile to get used to Stu's vocals on it - when he goes way up there - it sounded different then what I'd heard live (although that's to be expected...) I don't mean the pitch, when I saw them play at the Distrikt in Regina before they left for the Gigantour - Stu's pitch was almost perfect that night. I can't say that I heard him miss one note (but the tone seemed different)... but it was the first time I'd heard a few of the songs, and I don't have perfect pitch, and it's harder to hear everything clearly live sometimes... etc.

Anyway - I have to say that I think the chorus melodies on this album seem a bit catchier - which I like... I'm not into alot of heavey music, and I don't listen to alot of metal (sorry), so to me it kicked ass, I found it easy to get into the songs very quickly - although I like DOD and BIO (more so DOD), I think this album is my favorite so far - not just becuase the vocals are little bit easier to digest (for someone who listens to more mainstream stuff such as myself...), but the quality is great, and I think this album captures more agression (like they have in their live show).

I'm going to have to go with Jim on the drums... I like the principal behind a natural sound... But the kick is great on this CD - it just took awhile for me to get used to it.

Damn that was long.
Hope it made sense?
The CD has been sent to me, I am going to receive it tomorrow .... I can't wait for it, in addition I've got the new Insomnium, one of the best melodeath piece I've ever heard, a must have for every fan of In Flames, Dark Tranquillity and Opeth !!!
tthe end of the years will sound so good !