the legacy interpretation


New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
Hey, me and my boyfriend were ummm "disagreeing" HA, over the meaning of the song the legacy. I would appreciate anyone putting in their own input into the meaning of this song. Any response/ideas are welcome. I just want to see what everyone else thinks, and well if I'm right in my own interpretation.
Thanks all
Thanx for ur posts! But hey, 37 people viewed this 2 responded, where are the fans out there. Everyone has to have an opinion come on now and if you dont your just a mindless mass of waste.
The point of course was to have UNBIASED points of views. I didnt realize i needed to write my own opinion for someone else to have a response. My what was i thinking!!! I DIDN'T want a bunch of mindless posts agreeing with me, I wanted others viewpoints. But obviously I wont be getting that here. thanx to those who did reply, to the ass who wrote the last post, get a mind of your own.
dreamofserenity said:
The point of course was to have UNBIASED points of views. I didnt realize i needed to write my own opinion for someone else to have a response. My what was i thinking!!! I DIDN'T want a bunch of mindless posts agreeing with me, I wanted others viewpoints. But obviously I wont be getting that here. thanx to those who did reply, to the ass who wrote the last post, get a mind of your own.

Wow...3 posts and your off to a great start making friends on here...for gods sake...sometimes it takes a couple of days to get many posts on a thread due to the fact that there isn't a ton of traffic in this relax...get a grip....chill out...take a midol....get laid....or whatever works for you...then come back happy...because everyone knows...smiles are contagious:D

See my intention wasn't to get more posts it was to get more valid posts. There is a difference.

I was told by afore mentioned "guy you pity", that I wouldnt get any responses in which to bring into this argument. I did try to find things online but the search was futile, and too much Christian shit came up.

However, I thought from visiting this site before that I might get some interesting replies. I had posted in a general metal forum as well and was "referred" here.

For the first two whom posted Thank You. It was something worthwhile for me to think upon.
For the rest I was in no means trying to incite any argument, its just, people have to think. The most simple of human processes , thought.

In the one minute you took to post something about midol, hahahah, you could have given the merest impression you had of the song. I'm not asking for complex analyzations, though admittedlty it might be nice.
For the person who tried to make responses by asking for my opinion. I didn't take it the way you intended. I'm not sorry of course, I didnt want to reveal my opinion. Perhaps this doesn't extend to you, but I have noticed that once others know of a persons thoughts they will just agree. I had fully intended on divulging my opinion after a # of responses.

I just thought that maybe people would have liked a different type of post. Instead of "____ is touring", or "best song".
Neways my screen name is mdnightstar666(retarded yes i know, but I'm lazy), if anyone would care to voice an opinion. This is not a invitation for any a/s/l crap or to be bombarded with messages of "you bitch".