Poetry (Oral Interpretation)


Miles of Machines
Sep 14, 2008
SA Texas, USA
I'm in an Oral Interpretation class at my college and have to perform a poetry piece tomorrow. I'm totally fucked because it's hard to find poetry that isn't "sing song" (Rhymes every line). Anyone know where I can find some good poetry? I didn't know if lyrics counted but I'm really tempted to use some Warrel Dane or something because I have that memorized. :lol: Totally random question but my thread is in the right place... Thanks.
Yeah dude, lyrics are totally poetry, bust out some Nevermore definitely!

Ya for real, I doubt she would know they were lyrics. She'd be like Poet Warrel Dane..? oh Ok! :p I have to nail a topic though.. so any suggestions for song choice? I'm thinking "Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday" or "In Memory". I can use more than 1 poem. What sucks is it has to 8-10 minutes! I'll be searching and studying all night for this stuff. :goggly:
Haha, well, I don't know either of those songs, but the longest Nevermore song I do know is "This Godless Endeavor," which is pretty freakin' epic, so that's my vote!
Haha, well, I don't know either of those songs, but the longest Nevermore song I do know is "This Godless Endeavor," which is pretty freakin' epic, so that's my vote!

Nice suggestion. I was thinking that exact same fuckin epic piece! (That's one of my all time favorite Nevermore songs) I just don't want my class to turn into a "Bill Maher's Religulous" thread! :lol:
My vote goes to Cynic for ultimate thought-out, tripped-out hippiesque badassery.

Or a vivid rendition of Cannibal Corpse's "Fucked With A Knife"... and that just asks for a performance to unfold it's beauty.

Nah, actually... I'd definitely write something on my own (or you use lyrics I've already written).
My vote goes to Cynic for ultimate thought-out, tripped-out hippiesque badassery.

Or a vivid rendition of Cannibal Corpse's "Fucked With A Knife"... and that just asks for a performance to unfold it's beauty.

Nah, actually... I'd definitely write something on my own (or you use lyrics I've already written).

LOL My friend and I were talking about doing Cannibal Corpse but I think my professor would probably stop the performance and then I'd get "Fucked With A Knife". ;) I couldn't use my own... If that was the case that would be a breeze! Thanks for the suggestions.:rock:
'The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock' (first stanza)

Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question . . .
Oh, do not ask, ‘What is it?’
Let us go and make our visit.
excerpt from bukowski:

they knocked at 10 25 am
i pulled on my deadmans bathrobe with one sleeve missing
and opened the door to a woman in dark glasses and a man

he shoved some religious material my way
i said "please, i don't want these. please"

"we are all from the same creator" he said
"I AM" the creator answered and shut the door