the legal mp3 thread



Ok, guys here's a thread where we may post some legal mp3's discovered through the web... I've found a very interesting singer named Karina Gretere and was really amazed by her music. The only thing that i found about her on the web is that mp3 (which is taken from a game soundrack on it's official website) and that she's from Latvia. So, if anybody knows something about her, please post it. It's an acoustic fantasy music with folkloric touches and female vocals ala Loreena Macennitt (not sure about the spelling), and i think it's brilliant!! If you have the possibility, check her out and tell me what do you think...
Ah, and if you have some interesting legal mp3 stuff, post the links, godammit!!;)
Although I am not familiar with this music genre, I kind of like it! Her voice is amazing! I dunnoo it kind of has a special touch..
Here's another band which is very interesting imho called Moonlyght, with a great song "Fantasy" (yeah, i'm obssessed with fantasy stuff)
it's very melodic and epic, reminds a bit on the Blind Guardian, but with some black metal elements and very good female vocs...
Breaklose is a coverband. Utter CRAP! they tried Over your Shoulder (Antimatter for peeps who don't know). They TRIED.

you can download a program over there, that allows you to find many legal mp3s.

serious talking now:
I use kazaa as well when I want to check something out. No way I'm burning a thing on CD. And if I like enough I'll buy it. Of course it's sad to see many people copying as hell. My mate at work p.e. he burns ALL his music. (Fair enough it's only techno, house dance boomboom.)
But it would be better if they can work something out to stop those P2P-programs. But how long will it take to find something else for their mp3s.
Maybe if there are spyprograms looking on your connection, but that's against the privacy.... aaargh
Originally posted by moody
and to know that just a small part of it will go to the artist.
yeah, and it's strange why? Any good reason for this?
There's great tunes goin on Chris Vrenna's website : [download section]

I'd specially advise you the Rasputina song 'sign of the zodiac' & Tweaker's the attraction to all things uncertain tracks.