if all you guys arguing for lossless audio quality think it's so important, why are you arguing about digital audio files? I may be misinformed on this, but hasn't science proven that digital audio has a lower quality then analogue, in that certain frequencies are likely to be lost in the A/D conversion? Isn't that what so many gear nuts claim and pay horrendous amounts of money for? If digital audio has physical limitations and restrictions, then we can't really call any form of digital audio distribution lossless, now can we?
If I'm wrong, please tell me, this is just what I've heard.
For all practical intents and purposes you're wrong... to be fair, *everything* loses detail (even standing a few feet to the left of the band as they're playing!) but the real divide comes up when we look at mp3s cutting out 90% of what you'd find on a CD. Anyone who isn't half dog will have trouble hearing what we lose in the analog-to-CD transition, and anyone who is half-dog is an abomination against nature whose musical needs should be far less concerning to us than our impending doom at the hands of cross-breeding psychotics. (Bonus wet-noodle-lashings for using the phrase 'Hasn't science proven...')