Future of Music


Apr 24, 2006
Just throwing this out there to think about...

I'm sure everyone is versed in the economic principle of supply and demand.

CD sales are declining. Record stores are closing. The downward trend is steady, just as the trend of music downloading is up nearly 200% (according to RIAA).

While past music devices gave way to new ones (8tracks, records, tapes, CD's, etc...)...the industry still made money, so they could still sign, and produce music.

Now, so many people are stealing music, that it will soon be impossible for record companies to make profits. When profits become less than benefits, the industry will fold.

When that happens...none of the music people are getting for free will be available at all. Why should bands work so had to produce quality music when they aren't rewarded?

Demand will be insane. According to the supply and demand principle - prices for quality music will skyrocket...

Just a random thought for people who are into stealing music.

While downloading has hurt mainstream music, I'm pretty sure that metal cd sales are doing quite well, better than before downloading was possible. Metal labels are probably doing well, as there is enough demand for specialty vinyls, boxes, digipaks, dvd-a, etc. that sales will continue. I don't think there's much to worry about.
Why would metal sales not be affected while mainsteam has?

Music in general is suffering from the net. I get that it is too far into the future for most of you to care about...but numbers don't lie. It'll be interesting to see how this ends up.

SheisMySin said:
Why would metal sales not be affected while mainsteam has?

Music in general is suffering from the net. I get that it is too far into the future for most of you to care about...but numbers don't lie. It'll be interesting to see how this ends up.


Mainstream music is on the radio and on MTV every day so everyone knows about it and it is losing a lot of money due to so many people downloading and not buying the CDs.

Metal on the other hand does not (for the most part) get heard, so one of the only methods of hearing a band is to download some of their music. This "helps" by getting the music in front of the people that would buy it but might not have if they hadn't even heard it.

Yes, metal does lose sales to those that download and do not buy but I think overall it does help. Although, if you just go to the band's website or their label's website there is usually some songs to download (free of charge). Your peers probably know what's best to recommend though.

Personally I admit to downloading music I am interested in knowing about (actually it is usually sent to me by friends only) but it is usually a band I already know about and plan to buy the next album anyway or I can't find any music whatsoever on the net. Also I have some OOP stuff that I would still like to track down. I think it is lame to have music by a band you like on your computer and call yourself a fan but not support the band.

My band played a "fest" once on the other end of the state costing us $100 in gas, no one showed, we got paid $5, and when I asked the guy that "hooked us up" for the show if he wanted to buy our EP for $3 he said he already downloaded all the songs off the internet. Talk about a slap in the face.

On a side note, most underground bands are not affiliated with the RIAA. At this point in time it seems mainstream music is hurting, while underground music/metal is seeing both positive and negative effects.

P.S. Sorry for the long novel.
Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
do metal bands make any money from cd sales anyway?

Unsigned...you bet. I'll ammend that to say, yes there is a profit. Probably nothing to live on though.

Signed...well it depends on their contract I suppose. Most of the deals I hear about suck though. If they signed it though, I guess they were OK with whatever percentage they are getting.
Wow you guys are harsh, ha ha. I'm not ashamed to say I download, but I still love having a good cd. It gives the booklet and better quality. If a band is pretty shitty or I can't get their cd anywhere I will have it on my computer.
As long as people have respect for music, it will be fine. I own about half of my CD's, but I put much more money into the system with just that half then the avarage mainstreem dude who buys like 5 Cds a year. I will not destroy the economy just by downloading whenever I feel cashstrapped. Plus, with the internet, so many more bands can get music out unsigned, that it is actually helpful. Fuck the RIAA, greedy corporate bastards can burn in hell.