The future of metal


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
So what bands/subgenres do you people think are the future for metal? Not the next trend but the next innovators who will lead the underground in a healthy direction. In my opinion, I think bands such as Blut Aus Nord and Axis of Perdition are taking extreme metal in a good and interesting direction. What do you guys think? Discuss, bitches!
Overall I think metal will go down, there are too many bands wasting space with worthless dribble. There will be a few good worthwhile bands here and there, but metal will become overrun with bands such as Shadows Fall, Lamb of God, etc.

This quote doesn't entirely apply to the topic of this thread, but: "Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards." - Aldous Huxley
Yeah...As much as I'd love to try and preserve oldschool Metal, it wont last forever. It's a sad feeling, but I know that in my time there will always be some guys playing their hearts out with this music. :rock:
I think Viking Metal is starting to gain popularity quite a bit nowadays with Finntroll, Thyrfing, you could maybe say Amon Amarth, Falkenbach, Moonsorrow, Windir, Forefather etc...

Windir, Finntroll, Moonsorrow, and Falkenbach are among the ones that are very innovative and keep on releasing nearly flawless albums. Too bad Windir is no more though.
Caelum Adustum said:
Overall I think metal will go down, there are too many bands wasting space with worthless dribble. There will be a few good worthwhile bands here and there, but metal will become overrun with bands such as Shadows Fall, Lamb of God, etc.

This quote doesn't entirely apply to the topic of this thread, but: "Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards." - Aldous Huxley

I think that view is a little too cynical. There will always be those of us out there who want to hear good metal. As long as there are people who want to hear good metal there will be people who want to play it too. I think the whole Shadows Fall/ Lamb of God/ Headbangers Ball trend will eventually implode on itself. The posers will get into another trend and all that will be left are the true metal heads still craving the underground metal that they'll never let die.
Metalcore will be the dominant scene for a while, I believe.

In the 'underground,' though, it's looking like the 'oldies' are the future. Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Overkill, Kreator, etc.
i think the avant garde influenced stuff will be in meals future. blut aus nord, enslaved, age of silence, ephel duath. they are certainly paving the way for many bands to progress further than most have thought
I think that mallcore/metalcore and all the other crumby "cores" will reign for at least the rest of the decade, maybe longer. Meanwhile, viking metal will be the only sub genre to prosper and put out consistently good albums (venturing futher towards folk sounds). As soon as the cores finally die, I predict a huge outburst of new prog metal that form hybrids with genres like black and melodeath.
definitely Blut Aus Nord, Arghoslent i think would start to get alot more recognition if they dropped their some of their rascism(im not saying they should(althogh rascism is foodgepackin) but if they did they'd be much more popular) Thrash and Uber-Technical Death metal will come to the forefront. Hopefully Cryptopsy's new one will help this along.
Blut Aus Nord are racist?

I think the next wave of metal should combine relatively modern elements with aspects of metal which were stripped away when the genre progressed into black/death. Specifically, I'd like to see highly melodious, harmonic and tasteful virtuosity of bands such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and various speed metal bands to make a return in the context of death/black metal (Arghoslent and perhaps Windham Hell are probably the only bands doing anything close to this right now). I'd also like to see metal begin to move away from the riff-oriented composition style to an extent, towards a more classical method of structure. In this regard, I'd like to see influence taken from later Gorguts, which switches up its riffs with a great deal of variation, to avoid the repetitiveness which some find in the "repeat riff x y times, next riff" theory which most metal operates under.

It's possible that any such style would sound absolutely terrible, but these are just some ideas :p
polarity said:
Blut Aus Nord are racist?

I think the next wave of metal should combine relatively modern elements with aspects of metal which were stripped away when the genre progressed into black/death. Specifically, I'd like to see highly melodious, harmonic and tasteful virtuosity of bands such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and various speed metal bands to make a return in the context of death/black metal (Arghoslent and perhaps Windham Hell are probably the only bands doing anything close to this right now). I'd also like to see metal begin to move away from the riff-oriented composition style to an extent, towards a more classical method of structure. In this regard, I'd like to see influence taken from later Gorguts, which switches up its riffs with a great deal of variation, to avoid the repetitiveness which some find in the "repeat riff x y times, next riff" theory which most metal operates under.

It's possible that any such style would sound absolutely terrible, but these are just some ideas :p

I wouldn't know if it's possible but it was what I would like to see this as well. My band's currently working on writing a few songs and I'm trying to do away with the riff repetition type stuff and maybe play around with alot of counterpoint and harmonies.
I think metal is a tad unpredictable in its direction, and im no prophet. But i would like to see a large gathering of tech death/progressive thrash as stated by others. Its what i realy think is missing from the metal scene, there's just too many "simple" bands dominating. I think eventually people will get sick of them and either 1.metal will go further underground (and possibly give rise to better bands) or 2. the underground as we know it now will go for a more intricate sound

......well i tried

Metalcore/mallcore will be around for a bit, about 5-6 yrs. While this is going on Viking metal will be getting bigger and bigger in the real metal scene, and will continue to rise and get better and better for at least 10 yrs.