The future of metal

I think most of the metal genres will remain for a long time. Thrash is coming back with Kreator in 2005 and some heavy metal bands like Judas Priest. Power metal is getting some new recruit like Dragonforce, Fairyland and others.Black metal is growing strong and death metal is also strong.

I don't think metal will fade since there are so many influences. I have a good feeling about this and never lose hope in metal. :rock:

I'm not worried at all.
.Scissors. said:
I think Children of Bodom can work as a good gateway band. They are becoming very popular so maybe people will get into them and realize the shit they have now just sucks and they will look for real metal.
That's what I meant but you said it better than me. And for the other guy, yes, I'm talking about Martyr from Quebec.
The_Evil_Gentleman said:
I think most of the metal genres will remain for a long time. Thrash is coming back with Kreator in 2005 and some heavy metal bands like Judas Priest. Power metal is getting some new recruit like Dragonforce, Fairyland and others.Black metal is growing strong and death metal is also strong.

I don't think metal will fade since there are so many influences. I have a good feeling about this and never lose hope in metal. :rock:

I'm not worried at all.

:lol: Is there seriously a power metal band called Fairyland? :lol: :Puke:
In future, I hope more metal bands will draw influence from not only music outside of metal, but metal outside of music. I think one major reason that metal's advances are rare amidst a throng of derivative works is that (paraphrasing Deathspell Omega) "metal's only influence is itself."
I think metal is here to stay. Wether it be Death Metal or MetalCore. Its all coming strong and its not going anywhere anytime soon! Bands Like Cataract and Mastadon are pushing metal farther up the food chain. LONG LIVE METAL!!!!!!!!!!!
Cythraul said:
So what bands/subgenres do you people think are the future for metal? Not the next trend but the next innovators who will lead the underground in a healthy direction. In my opinion, I think bands such as Blut Aus Nord and Axis of Perdition are taking extreme metal in a good and interesting direction. What do you guys think? Discuss, bitches!

The important first step before answering this question: a cessation of belief in a "progressive" :rolleyes: view of history.
If the new "Blut Aus Nord" or "Axis of Perdition" is the progression of "extreme" metal then... :Puke:

Thanks but no thanks...

I'll stick with '87 - '97
at least Axis of Perdition is doing something new and exciting

the only band you could really possibly compare them to is Anaal Nathrakh

the future of metal is as unpredictable as it ever is. It's an exciting time for metal.
Black Metal will continue to become more popular, bands like Deathspell Omega are making a huge impact on a new era. Though it'll always stay the same as darkthrone influenced waves of bands.

Death Metal will have the same fate.

Thrash, and power metal are dead. Most new powermetal is generic.

Viking metal will continue to become more popular.

Sun o))) will continue making a revolution with doom metal.

Soon there may be metal bands really making a huge impact with their music though.

Electronic BM (And Oceans, Morbid Creature, Kera.Zero.Kommand, Evig Kveld) will probably be a new attempt at music that will later create a new scene. Though it still needs a long way of development. Kera.Zero.Kommand got it right though.

Also we're coming to a time when metal should be facing a new idea never tried before. If not metal shall die. Try thinking of new things and fucking persue!
neoclassical said:
The important first step before answering this question: a cessation of belief in a "progressive" :rolleyes: view of history.

Oh please don't try to over-intellectualize this topic. Yeah, metal has it's ups and downs and it doesn't always progress as a whole but every once in a while there are significant jumps in the evolution of the metal genre. Bands build upon the work of their predecessors and so on into the future. This doesn't always happen, I'll admit. Seriously though, fuck off with that "cessation of belief in a progressive view of history" bullshit.
Ivan the terrible said:
If the new "Blut Aus Nord" or "Axis of Perdition" is the progression of "extreme" metal then... :Puke:

Thanks but no thanks...

I'll stick with '87 - '97

Please elaborate on that profound observation, genius.