So ... what is the "future" of the metal underground?


New Metal Member
Aug 13, 2005

Bands: Decapitated, Deathspell Omega, Blut Aus Nord, Drudkh, Equilibrium, Grand Alchemist

Countries: I'd like to see the USBM scene just explode.

Genres: Industrial Black Metal
bands: Primordial, Summoning, Belphegor, The Chasm, Nokturnal Mortum, Dub Buk, Scald, Blut Aus Nord, Winham Hell.....

countries: US, Austria, Ukraine (Dub Buk, Nokt. Mort., Lucifugum, etc.), Ireland (Primordial, Scald, Geasa, etc.), France.....

genres: electronics-infused black metal, unclassifiable metal (Primordial, etc.)
Death Metal hasn't evolved since Obscura came out. Like in the past, it's probaby just going to become even more technical. Expand with more intricate compositions.
Metal might get big here in Quebec (it's already big in a way), but I doubt about the rest of the world.
I'm not really getting into the industrial black metal stuff. I can't see it taking off.

Many bands will try to push musicianship and speed to even more ridiculous levels in death metal. Others will focus more on writing coherent songs and scale back the speed (such as Nile). These bands will be more successful.
I would like to see more death and black metal bands infused with more "native" influences.

I guess the best examples of what i mean would be Finntroll and Primordial, only i'm interested in what several other countries could come up with.
Death metal has sucked for years besides a few. Bands get more intricate,fast,technical but can't write riffs,songs,etc.. it's just a battle to see who can play more single notes,palm mutes. It gets old fast. I want to hear some intersting music,originality,etc.... like 80's/early 90's death metal. All death metal now is DUN DUN DUN harmonic,SINGLE NOTES, dun, dun, dun dun dun, single notes,harmonic. Songs blend in together with no parts standing out. Or it's simply mechanized garbage like Decapitated.

Without Immolation death metal is nothing anymore. Who knows how much longer they will stick around.

New bands in metal seem to think being intricate substitute's for great musicianship,interesting music.

The only new cds I will check out are from older bands. 2005 is low
It will continue the same way it has the past few years, I think. The most interesting thing will be Varg's new release after prison, seeing as how Burzum affected ALL of black metal.
I'm still convinced that this "orthodox" BM is going to really grow large. Since DsO and Watain made their respective marks, not even that long ago, I've seen so many bands emulating that style and going for the "sophisticated satanism" mindset. It'll continue, and there really isn't a great deal of room to grow.
We always need more racism.

I'm not sure, something like a cross between Gorgut's Obscura and Blut Aus Nord's The Work Which Transforms God would be nice.
The future of the Underground?
Either the founding of a really new genre, the innovation which is missing since the early 90s
or the re-doing of death and black metal, with some innovative band here and then, but nothing essentially new.
Death Metal has become a sport, which is completely lame. I've been enjoying bands that build new levels upon grounds of old (DANTESCO), and bands that are totally out there (Sigh). Metal will keep being played by those who love it.