The Legend of Zelda

i think it was the super nes game. it was a third-person viewpoint

you can attempt to punch me, just don't mess up my hair :tickled:
Erik: Get a Gamecube and the Zelda collectors disc instead. It has Zelda 1, 2 + Ocarina + Majoras mask.

Or you could buy my N64 with both Zeldas, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, 4 controllers for less than that, please ;). PM me about that war comp cd.
Legend of Zelda is one of the finest forms of entertainment ever, and by default a massively incredible video game. The size, the challenge, the variety, the music, everything.

Zelda II was pretty cool, but ultimately too difficult and better for trying something new as opposed to being a good game. I did put away some serious hours on this one though, but I would rather play Zelda's Second Quest than this. Never fucking beat this, the last boss just would not die!

Zelda III - A Link to the Past was nearly as brilliant as the original Zelda, and the only reason I'd give the edge to the original is because it came first because it is better than the original in every sort of way. Simply AMAZING game.

Zelda - Link's Awakening was pretty much in the same style as the first, but not as good. Still pretty fun but I never bothered beating the last castle because I got bored, oh well.

Haven't played the others, although old skool Zelda fans have told me the most recent for the N64 (EDIT: GameCube is the new one I guess? That's what I meant) was really good, unlike the previous several 3D ones.

Proof that Zelda has staying power: can you hum the main tune in your head, even if it's been 15 or more years since you've heard it?
Yep, that one I have for Gameboy was a bit gay. The original 3 games all had a real dark vibe, particularly the story elements of Link to the Past.

GOD DAMN I WISH I WOULDN'T HAVE LOST MY SNES WITH ALL THESE OLD KICKASS GAMES. Although I know where it is, just have to deal with old roommates to get it...
Ah but you started the fight big man. I tried to call a cease fire and then become indifferent to you, but you were a total complete ass, aNd i was always just joking around. And then you started it again today when you said get the fuck off my board. Now you will never get rid of me.
Now for my own thoughts:

Ocarina of Time is probably my second favorite game ever, it's just absolute perfection and I got in the Gold Collector's Edition of it today. Also, finally got a Gamecube recently and The Windwaker, so we'll see how it goes. The Gamecube also came with the Collector's Edition disc as well so I can now backtrack and explore the first two Zelda games while I make it a priority to find a cartridge of A Link to the Past for a good price. Anyone who likes Zelda must have Ocarina, it's just a majestic, epic game. Majora's Mask is a lot goofier and lighthearted, but still fun and good. It's hard to describe what makes Zelda be Zelda, but these games always kick ass. I think the 64 versions will always be my favorites though, they were the first I played and are really just incredible.

Finally, a new Zelda will be out in 2005 for Gamecube too and it looks like it'll be magnificent from the screenshots. Suppose to be more like Ocarina than past games but with what looks like insane graphics. All the more reason to get a Gamecube if you don't have one. You can get The Windwaker, the 2005 one and the Collector's Edition with the first two games and the two 64 games. They are probably only like $40 now if you look around, try amazon. I got mine for free though, so I'm content. :loco:
Ocarina's the only one I've played to completion, but it was fucking good. Link to the Past... It was good, VERY good, but I never seem to be able to finish video games anymore :\

The rest, from what I've seen, have all had their merits.
Oh man, I've been remembering different kickass parts of Link to the Past since this afternoon, wow what an incredible game. I remember it being extremely huge, but where things were still interesting no matter how many hours were put into it.

Also, this may be exaggerated, but I remember Secret of Mana being about the longest game I ever played. I swear I probably put 70 solid hours (not including dying and redoing certain parts) into that game, it just kept going and going and going. You know a game is awesome when it had some of the most frustrating slowdowns and flat out IDIOTIC AI for the two characters you weren't playing as, but still kicked an extreme amount of ass. I consider finishing that game one of my all time greatest electronic accomplishments. :)
Erik said:
Did anyone else think that some of the newer parts of the searies, and the Game Boy games in particular, were a bit too light-hearted and goofy? Zelda ]|[ has this rather dark atmosphere which I really like, and that seems to be missing from some of the other games.

Yes. They all have a similar feel, but the newer Gameboy games and The Wind Waker occasionally have this weird bubbly atmosphere which can kind of throw me off. Link to the Past was also truekvltgrim... and thats what counts.

By the way, anyone who has a Game Boy Advance... get the re-issue of Link to the Past. Nothing like playing that game on the bus... and man, its exactly the same as the SNES version. So perfect.
Marksveld said:
By the way, anyone who has a Game Boy Advance... get the re-issue of Link to the Past. Nothing like playing that game on the bus... and man, its exactly the same as the SNES version. So perfect.
Yes! I got it for Christmas last year along with a SP, and it was so much fun playing it through again. It must have been 10 years since I played it last (I still own my SNES and the original), and it's probably my favourite Nintendo game ever. I'm probably going to get the new GBA one "Minish Cap" this year for Christmas.

Anyone claiming to be a Zelda fan and not having played Ocarina of Time seriously needs to get it. How are people saying it's no good?! It's regarded by a lot of people as the best game ever, and it certainly isn't far off, though I think I enjoyed Link to the Past more at the time. Majora's Mask I've played, but didn't finish, but I will go back to it one day.

Zelda I and II I own as part of the Wind Waker thing they did, and have played them briefly, but not enough to give an opinion on. I will play them through one day though, when I have the time! As for The Wind Waker, I also though this was pretty fantastic, but the ending was far too easy, which was a dissapointment, after the brilliant ending in Ocarina of Time.

I also had a Zelda game on the original Game Boy, I can't remember the exact name of it, but that too was really good. I let a friend from school borrow it though, and never got it back :erk:

I think I've played them all, apart from a couple of GB Colour games they released.
Doom said:
Anyone claiming to be a Zelda fan and not having played Ocarina of Time seriously needs to get it . . . Zelda I and II I own as part of the Wind Waker thing they did, and have played them briefly, but not enough to give an opinion on.
Nobody can claim they are a Zelda fan without completing the original, then starting and subsequently giving up on the Second Quest. :p

I don't remember if I ever finished the Second Quest, I just remember how impossibly difficult Ganon's dungeon was with all those red ghost/bubble fuckers everywhere. Actually, I think I did finish it eventually, pretty sure the only thing I never got was the final heart piece.

I wish I knew where my NES ended up, although I don't think it worked the last time I saw it. Haha, so many days spent learning new tricks to get the old games to work, the most effective method was to blow on the internal cartridge through your shirt to avoid spitting on it, then inserting the game just enough so it barely fit and went *CRUNCH* when you pushed down on the loader thingy.