The "Let's guess who's the new axeman for COB" Thread


Aug 23, 2014
Hey Dudes and Dudettes.

I hope the Threadname was explanation enough. :p

Let's see what the possible guitarists are.

Antti is excluded, obvious.

Let the list begin.

Archie Cruz
Daniel Freyberg (which is at this moment the most likely solution)
Alex Kuoppala (the opposite of Daniel)
Kristian Ranta (Ex-Norther Axeman, but I don't think he is into music anymore)
Jesper Strömblad (This would explain Alexis' more an' more Old Schol In Flames typ of sound)
Samy Elbana (Lost Society, very young but still, awesome Guitarist, tbh, better than Alexi Nowadays)

What do you think of this list, would you add someone? Couldyou explain why the listed and guitarists could join the band and why not?
I'm leaning towards Archie or Daniel. Don't think the rest at all likely.

Also, AFAIK Kristian still does music. It's just a solo project and I don't think its metal anymore. (I'm not certain, but I think he had a solo project going on at least a year or two ago).
How is Samy available ? If he was, he would be my favorite choice. I really hate Daniel's attitude. And Archie is awesomely cool but doesn't quite fit CoB. Samy was my section leader at the 100GuitarsfromHel and he was hell of a nice guy. Always asking if we're ok, if we needed help or if we had anything to ask we could just go to him like any "normal human" and not the typical "Thrash rockstar" haha. He'd fit nice in with CoB's decision to make rythm more important than melodies.
How is Samy available ? If he was, he would be my favorite choice. I really hate Daniel's attitude. And Archie is awesomely cool but doesn't quite fit CoB. Samy was my section leader at the 100GuitarsfromHel and he was hell of a nice guy. Always asking if we're ok, if we needed help or if we had anything to ask we could just go to him like any "normal human" and not the typical "Thrash rockstar" haha. He'd fit nice in with CoB's decision to make rythm more important than melodies.

I think he is available at some point. I mean, Lost Society is still a "little" but well growing act. If he'd join COB, Lost Society would gain a massive amount of fans and attention I bet.

But to be honest, I think Alexi is going for an old geezer again. That's why I think more and more it could be Jesper Strömblad. Somehow it's more obvious every second I think about it.
Jesper Strömblad is definitely not an option as he recently stated he's battling severe depression, anxiety and drinking problems. Plus he has his own band nowadays and he's working on a solo album as well.
The more we get to the final verdict the more it looks like it's gonna be this wannabe metalhead of Daniel Freyberg... Damn.. That's be bad for the band's image. But eh, there would be so many more 15yo emo teenagers at the shows, yeahhhhh (sarcasm..)
The more we get to the final verdict the more it looks like it's gonna be this wannabe metalhead of Daniel Freyberg... Damn.. That's be bad for the band's image. But eh, there would be so many more 15yo emo teenagers at the shows, yeahhhhh (sarcasm..)

What's wrong with him? I've seen him once live but don't really know anything about him (It was also my first gig ever so I can't remember it too well either).