The "Let's guess who's the new axeman for COB" Thread

Also even if Joonas can play, the band stated that they hate you/him (kind of), but the new music and live tracklist would be better for sure

Janne told him to "stop posting shit asshole", but AFAIK that's all the contact they've ever had with each other?
Janne told him to "stop posting shit asshole", but AFAIK that's all the contact they've ever had with each other?

Well I've posed with Alexi in a pic, I've talked with Henkka in a bar, I've talked with Roope, I've had some nice chats with Janne here, and I had Alexi and Henkka reply to 11 of my questions on the eve of the last album... they lurk about and read this shit, but are wise enough not to interfere, cos they're afraid I'd start "selecting my words" or asslicking and not saying what I really think, cos they're too close to their own music to analyze how an outsider sees their art. They don't give a crap about their facebook, they don't even read those silly one-liners. They come here when they wanna know what musician fans really think about their latest stuff and what listener fans think about it. Impressing other musicians with phony techniques is just ego... they need to know what a non-musician thinks about their stuff, since most consumers probably do not play any instrument. I'm just a fucking guy with a passion for melodic death metal, I praise when I like something and trash when I dislike something, but it's well-known I should focus more on my own stuff instead of diving so deep here. I've said many things they've found interesting, and many things that have either annoyed or hurt them, and it's quite clear this is as high as it will get for me.
Well I've posed with Alexi in a pic, I've talked with Henkka in a bar, I've talked with Roope, I've had some nice chats with Janne here, and I had Alexi and Henkka reply to 11 of my questions on the eve of the last album... they lurk about and read this shit, but are wise enough not to interfere, cos they're afraid I'd start selecting my words and not telling what I really think. I'm just a fucking guy with a passion for melodic death metal, I praise when I like something and trash when I dislike something, but it's well-known I should focus more on my own art instead of digging so deep here.

Yes, thats why I wrote (kind of). But 5000 of those 8000+ posts are kind of bashing "new Bodom" so I kind of get the idea that they can't be that fond of you. Still you are a fan so talking directly to them is a must do (for their part) in order to maintain a fanbase and not coming off as an asshole. Yes and answering your intellectual questions that aren't just the same old "why the name Children of Bodom"? is also a smart move for those fans, like most of us that care about the reason behind the music and the persons in the band and not just the music.
If I had a chat with Alexi again, I would ask why all the riff and heavy orientation of Children of Bodom? And explain to him why that drives them away from being one of the most unique, original and influential bands of their origin genera, even if Alexi hates to put the band in those he has to agree that the band at least used to be melodic death metal.
any news? maybe rumors? December almost upon us and they're supposed to announce a new member by the end of the year/early 2016. Antti will be with them until the end of this european tour and from what I hear it's most likely not gonna be Daniel Freyberg either...
No band is going to read comments on facebook posts. That's not to say they don't care about their fans--whatever that means. What would it mean anyway for a band to care about its fans?
No band is going to read comments on facebook posts. That's not to say they don't care about their fans--whatever that means. What would it mean anyway for a band to care about its fans?
A certain fantasy author, Brandon Sanderson, cares about his fans IMO. He answers fan questions, even when they are asked on Facebook, does lots of book signings, posts regular updates on how his new books are progressing etc. (Quite unlike George R R Martin who has refused to answer any such questions ever since spring 2013 :D).
A certain fantasy author, Brandon Sanderson, cares about his fans IMO. He answers fan questions, even when they are asked on Facebook, does lots of book signings, posts regular updates on how his new books are progressing etc. (Quite unlike George R R Martin who has refused to answer any such questions ever since spring 2013 :D).

Yep, sure, there are Bands, or in general artists who listen to theirfans, but Children Of Bodom, especially Alexi is sure as hell not one of them. If he'd care only one little second about his Pre-Are You Dead Yet? Fans, Records like RRF and IWC would have been never created. 100%.
How do you know that? They never gave a shit about their fans.
Infact Henkka has told me that he frequently ckecks the FB page. Of course, that is if COB to you is not just Alexi. LOL @ "they never gave shit about their fans"
Yep, sure, there are Bands, or in general artists who listen to theirfans, but Children Of Bodom, especially Alexi is sure as hell not one of them. If he'd care only one little second about his Pre-Are You Dead Yet? Fans, Records like RRF and IWC would have been never created. 100%.

True. In fact I believe they tried to sell with "going back to the roots" with Halo of Blood, but with IWC they wanted to express their reluctance and regret of "bowing down to fans" and made a direct attempt to insult and piss off old fans with the artwork and the music.

Alexi has always had an arrogant attitude towards his fans. Maybe partly due to his "dangerous" and cool image, maybe partly due to the mystery of not having contact, maybe partly due to him not being the type of person who writes. But maybe he should consider his own attitude and musical direction post HCDR, if his fans have become stupid in his eyes. Surely he doesn't care what we think about the surface, when he's created the whole thing and 'needs no advice' from us.

What we're witnessing is nothing but the normal cycle every band goes thru. The only way to even make him consider trying to pull off another FTR would be to convince all the fans around the world to get to the front row in shows and keep shouting boo every time he plays new shit, and make the whole crowd yell "we want older stuff" and wave blue and green flags. I think Alexi could make more epic music if he was truly, truly motivated.

It's just sad there aren't a lot of bands doing melodic death metal that's as electric and magical and eerie as Bodom at its best.
What we're witnessing is nothing but the normal cycle every band goes thru. The only way to even make him consider trying to pull off another FTR would be to convince all the fans around the world to get to the front row in shows and keep shouting boo every time he plays new shit, and make the whole crowd yell "we want older stuff" and wave blue and green flags. I think Alexi could make more epic music if he was truly, truly motivated.
This pretty much happened when I went to Turisas' gig in fall 2013 a bit after they had released their newest album. While I agree with the crowds that the album is bad, especially the sounds, I did feel kinda bad for the band when every time Nygård announced they were going to play a new song, people in the crowd began shouting stuff like "PASKA BIISI!!!" (SHIT SONG!!!) etc. :D
Infact Henkka has told me that he frequently ckecks the FB page. Of course, that is if COB to you is not just Alexi. LOL @ "they never gave shit about their fans"
Well, but to be honest and fair, Henkka has nothing to do with the music itself. But Alexi seems sometimes to be a real ignorant and arrogant prick, serious. At least when it comes to this.
But at some point we're lucky, as I know a guy at nuclear blast, this album doesn't sell that well and the whole europe tour was
a big flop till now. Okay, parts of that is due to LOG's wankery. They got a big shitstorm and are now called "Pussies of God".
Well, but to be honest and fair, Henkka has nothing to do with the music itself. But Alexi seems sometimes to be a real ignorant and arrogant prick, serious. At least when it comes to this
Wasn't there an interview where Alexi said that, no matter what the other guys say, if he likes a lick/riff, he gives a shit about the others opinion and include it in a song?
Anyways, that back to the roots thing won't happen if they don't feel the need to play it again - no matter what the fans will say. The old period is over, live with it. If a songwriters taste of music has changed (technical-wise; heaviness; etc...) they usually will never go back. Maybe Alexi would have listened to his fans if IWC would be Bodoms 4th album instead of HCDR, but now they are famous enough to do whatever they want to do.

And to be honest guys... do you know ANY band who#s music hasn't changed after almost 20 years? Do YOU listen and want to listen the same music over and over again? There will always be old vs new discussions of fans in a bands history
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Wasn't there an interview where Alexi said that, no matter what the other guys say, if he likes a lick/riff, he gives a shit about the others opinion and include it in a song?

Yeah he did say that. I think I remember him also saying he didn't do as many melodies because everyone was doing the melodic death metal thing according to him (Which is ironic because IWC sounds like most mainstream metal riffing bands). It would be cool if they returned to their roots but it won't happen- they used to be unique combining melodic death metal and neo-classical music. I think the reason I'm so disappointed in IWC is because Halo Of Blood was a real step in the right direction and then they took a massive step back with this new album. I'd actually be happy if they at least went back to the Are You Dead Yet? style as it was a good mix of melodies/solos/riffs while still sounding unique and different to their old stuff.
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Massive contradiction and hypocrisy from Alexi when he says "nah, everyone else was doing that shit", at the same time he purposefully makes shit like IWC that's dumbed down to sound as mainstream as possible. He's full of defenses. I've said this a million times but the secret wasn't neo-classical melodies, it was just creativity in general. With any of the soundworlds they could create epic music if they had the creativity. We're just wishing him to try harder and put his heart into it, I don't care that much what soundworld it is... when the music is good the soundworld tends to be cleaner - as this heavy soundworld is there only to compensate the lack of musicianship. As for soundworld I think they should look into both industrial and black metal.

Every time they claim they have a darker sounding album than last time. Even now, when it's clearly not the case. The last three albums have not been dark at all, save for one song per album. I'm listening to music that's masterfully dark and creative, so this sound funny. Am I supposed to be all polite here? I wasted so much creativity giving ideas to COB those booze brothers didn't even bother to read. Keep dreaming if you think I'll do the same for the next three years waiting for another one if IWC is the best they've got.

It's a case of an artist wanting to do certain kind of art despite having great skills in another kind of art, that's why it's frustrating. Alexi should make damn sure to focus on music that's 1) melodic, 2) dark, and 3) focus on all instruments. It's become too much about his riffs alone.
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New axe man for Bodom announced: it's Bill Clinton, the pussy findling cigar hero, Alexi will teach him a couple blues licks.
Yeah he did say that. I think I remember him also saying he didn't do as many melodies because everyone was doing the melodic death metal thing according to him (Which is ironic because IWC sounds like most mainstream metal riffing bands). It would be cool if they returned to their roots but it won't happen- they used to be unique combining melodic death metal and neo-classical music. I think the reason I'm so disappointed in IWC is because Halo Of Blood was a real step in the right direction and then they took a massive step back with this new album. I'd actually be happy if they at least went back to the Are You Dead Yet? style as it was a good mix of melodies/solos/riffs while still sounding unique and different to their old stuff.

I completely Agree
