Sure chemistry is important, but if COB has understanding in marketing, they will bring someone who creates excitement with character or looks or musical reputation. Alexi's vocals have been fucked up since HCDR days, most of times, sometimes he changed style but it's probably too late to do anything now - and this has affected their on-stage performance negatively. Little things they need to worry about: their clothing needs to be interesting, Alexi's vocals need some distortion and echo effects, their song order and the passages need to be thought out carefully. Some great passages they've been using at times, but sometimes they're unnecessary, sucky, and it would be better if Alexi didn't talk so much between songs. Keep it metal. And no pointless "yaows" here and there. It's these little things that determine whether their show feels epic as fuck or just a weird entertainment effort. You can't just mix songs to whatever order, it needs to feel like a story, an unforgettable trip that has it's ups and downs, twists, suspense and climax. They have songs that feel mythical and songs that feel superficial. When you play a suspenseful song like Living Deadbeat you can't suddenly play Hate Me or HCDR after that, but what you can do is play a climatic song like Follow the Reaper, and maybe after that you can play those tit-porn songs.