The "Lights Out" appreciation thread

Apr 12, 2002
Istanbul, Turkey
i was spinning the CD for, like, the fifth time in my player last night...i have the copy duncan gave me when he was here, so it's been six months and i can say i still havent gotten tired of this album. i had really loved saviour, too, but the whole atmosphere, the concepts present in the album...and the way they are put,'s just divinely perfect. whatever that means haha. lights out is easily the best release of 2003 (AND was close but LO deffo takes the cake) and one of the most wonderful works of art i have bought in my life (along with dark side of the moon, alternative 4 and still life). it will still take some time for me to decide to put in my top ten, but it's on the right track.
i just pray to God to be able to make music (or at least write lyrics) like mick or dunc.

and this thread is, in no way, opened to lick the two musicians' asses. i just had a very emotionally powerful night yesterday listening to the album. i felt like sharing it with my forum mates. so has anyone felt anything similar about this album? or am i the only one, like? or would you consider this album to be the best release of 2003?
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its exactly what I feel too mate, cheers! dunno, the album is related to so many good and important times of this year, it had deffo an impact on me! I listened to it when this shit with my ex happened, I listened to it when I met my new bf, I listened to it on several travels, it remembers me also a great time in Ireland and Greece and I can still listen to it again and again!

I would say its really the top album of 2003 :)
Maybe I'm the only one, but even if I love "Lights out" I prefer "Saviour".
Lights out has many better aspects than Saviour" You really feel that Duncan and Mick have reach a new level of collaboration, and it is so melancolic, so dark and beautiful from the beginning to the end. But on the other hand, I prefer "Saviour" . I can't explain it. Really, even if this album sounds more like a first try from the two authors, it is my favourite from far. The way the songs touch me... I love all the songs in Saviour and I think there is a perfect alchemy between them. Being alone, calm, listening to flowers or saviour late at night is always a wonderful moment.
I have reached a point where I get tired of 90% of the albums I listen to and like in two or three months max. Except for those great classics and some recent relics like Lights Out. Still too soon to say if the same will happen with AND. I guess it will since all other Anathema albums feature in the exceptions I pre-mentioned. Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a music whore.
nothing can beat a4 in terms of time endurance. i never, ever felt i got tired of that album in the 4 years a own it. i've even been a bit tired of some classic stuff like sabbath and maiden records and that, but never a4. it's shocking, the quality of that album, even if the lads in the band won't admit that (to my extent at least.)

meself, i like saviour a bit more than lights. i dunno, it kinda flows easier i guess...
i like saviour more cause i had the best times because of it. i dare to say that the week of that first antimatter tour was the most pleasant happening in me life.
Lights out was definitely one of the best if not the best release in 2003!!! I'm glad they did such an album, and i'm curious about the future releases!
Agree on Alternative 4. Even the most respected french rock magazine "Rock and FOlk" said it was a "perfect" album.
Every time I listen to it I discover something new. Marvellous.
no fucken way. it was released in the beginning of the year and it remained unbeaten! :D

nice one sol :cool: