The Lost Element! - Fragment/teaser of vocal melodies.

amazing mix dude. and that girl has such an angelic voice. reminds me of old on thorns i lay
How will you solve the minor problem i see in you studying in hungary and your band living in spain?

I still manage my band on-line, but I can't gig with them or rehearshe or anything...

They still do live shows without me and promote the demo.

Maybe I'll be able to get back to Spain by next year if I get admitted in a Spanish medical school.

Cheers! ;)
Oh man, only saw this now - I love the melody and harmonies dude, but the vox are a pretty loud, and did you run them through a vocoder or something? The esses sound strange (and pronounced, yet muffled), and overall they just sound kinda small; I guess you're still using the cheapo condenser into the Toneport? Just really kinda smacks of cheap signal chain I'm sorry to say :( (the verb isn't helping much either) Do you have vocals for the whole song written yet?
Yeah, vocals are pretty loud, for the test. Vocal harmonies are Melodyned from the only original vocal line.
My guys recorded the scratch vocals at home with an SM58 + my bassist's toneport. If it was recorded with the condenser it'd be much better sounding :p
No, we recorded just this piece to figure out vocal harmonies and such hehe. Cheers!
I'm getting abit nostalgic listening to this. Reminds me of some of the old Napalm artists, in a fresh way. And kudos for building great sounding harmonies using only one take, that must've taken awhile :kickass: