Dandelium, my project, open for vocal collabs. Read more:

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Hey! What's up :D

Most of the regulars here know I've been CRAVING for a good singer since I'm here. My band has had some good and bad times right now, but now it is on it's worst... I'm studying in Hungary, and will be here for some more years, so the physical band went apeshit some months ago. Singer and drummer left, we got a new drummer and Javi on vocals, but now he's got a stable job and little to none free time, so as an outcome of non-productivity we all decided to take a break and let our personal lives settle down so we'll be able to continue when we're ready.

We've been this way for some months now and I've got piles of songs that could turn into album material with the right singer.

I've given up looking for singers in Madrid or Spain in general, as it's a very closed circle and there's literally nothing I've heard since 2005 that I started this project that made me feel right singer-wise.

So, as I'm already fully focused on both my studies and AE job, I'd just want to have this as a hobby project (hopefully some day brought to the roads).

What I'm looking for in this forum is someone that can be interested in recording a 5 song EP to start. Clean vocals are favored against screams. It's not necessary to have 100% native English accent, but just a decent pronunciation, the ability to write lyrics (I suck ass), some skill doing vocal lines (I can help of course!) and being able to record yourself (all of you guys can).

Here are some songs I'd like to work with, but anyways I can send the interested people my full discog:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/tema 25.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/tema 21.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/tema 20.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/tema 16.mp3
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/tema 19.mp3

Also, I wouldn't mind a bit to re-arrange or modify the songs if necessary.

Thanks for reading through this and best wishes! :worship:
this is some really nice stuff erik!
"tema20" kicks all teeth out of chuck norris mouf!

i hope you'll find a good vocalist soon,
stoked to hear this with some hopefully
non power metal style vocals! :D

Thanks! ;)

Yup, I would like to avoid power metal vocals, or like Warrel Dane, just not my cup of tea. :D

I'm looking more for something ala Scar Symmetry, Opeth, Katatonia, Soilwork, KSE, Textures, etc... Nothing too classical heavy style, nor too operatic with tons of vibrato and stuff, just standard style modern metal clean vocals ;)
Erik, I sent my wife the link to this thread. She loved some of your compositions a while ago (remember I Pm'ed you asking for permission to record some songs with her?) and I think she may be interested. She does some very nice vocal lines, so..I dunno :D
I just PM'd you following up about you possibly posting some stems for a tune or two to try our hand at mixing. I'm not a singer by any means, but I would also love to throw in a guest solo or two if you're not opposed to that idea?
I'm interested in collaborating with these two:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/tema 25.mp3

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/Dandelium/rebirth remixed.mp3

As of right now there aren't any really good stems/mixing practice for symphonic metal with killer riffs and awesome sounding DI's (in my opinion, no offense to anyone). I'm also wanting to practice mixing so I have an accurate reference in trying to nail that amazing guitar tone you have going on. :lol:
And I have some lead ideas floating around in my head for both of these tracks that I'd like to play around with.
Thanks! :kickass:
Erik, Isso mesmo que ela fez! After reading the thread, she locked herself in the room and started trying some stuff out. She's not really into the stuff you listed as influences, but imho, she can do great vocal lines. I think we may have something done in a couple of days. Hope you like it!

Btw, are there any parts on the songs you want to keep strictly instrumental or is she free to do whatever she wants?
Although this style is not really my cup of tea, i have to admit that this is some asskickin stuff. Hope to hear those songs with vocals someday...
Thanks guys!

uber: I'm going to upload the practice-your-mix tracks this week, just been really busy with college and work to remember lately.

I'd love to have some male singer collab, the female spots are already taken! ;)
Does Devin Townsend have an account here? :lol:
Hey Erik, I know you've been busy with school, but just thought I'd check to see if you were still planning on uploading these? Thanks.