I remember getting some good stuff, probably Yuengling or Newcastle or something like that. Can anyone confirm/deny?
I could be wrong but, I don't think that they sell Yuengling. I like that beer, and I'd think that I'd notice if they did sell that. Well at least they don't sell it at the smaller bar. A few times, I've gotten shots at the bigger bar. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it, if they do have it at the bigger bar.

I've noticed that they seem to be a bit limited on selection. But, that is why we drink the good stuff, that we can get at Kroger's or wherever, in our hotel room, before we go to Center Stage (and sometimes in between bands). :kickass: Then, I try to maintain the buzz with the better of what's available at the bar. IMHO, Center Stage is really missing out making more revenue from an increased & better quality selection. My group of three, including having a couple of other people hang, drank around 100 beers (Lagers, Dunkels, Ales, Stouts), not to mention a few shots, at the hotel room, each year, for the three days we're there. I know that my group is far from the only ones that stock up on good beer before the show. I always see fellow PP attendees at Kroger's getting beer. If Center Stage can get beyond the "they'll drink whatever we give them that's cold and wet" philosophy, people like those posting here will buy more from them.
I love hoppy beer and I'm sure it will be good but honestly I don't care unless Maria is serving it. LOL!:kickass:
AGREED! :loco: I wonder if she'll be back this year. She wasn't there last year. I'd put my discriminating tastes in beer aside if she came back. :p
I agree about the simpler font in Label 3. I think if you saw both labels on the bottle, the first one would look a little more cluttered in the smaller format.
Good point.
And, I think you should run with what Glenn said, and say, "Yes, those are huge flaming BALLS!" It's as if the Madman is saying, "Would you like some balls? Then drink my beer!"
If you're going to have balls on the label of a beer, ya gotta have the "balls of steel"! Then, Glenn might ask Center Stage to sell that beer. On the back label, you could have it endorsed by Glenn Harveston and Chuck Norris*. :lol:

*Chuck Norris doesn't have hair on his testicles, because hair does not grow on steel.
Man, you sold me based on your tastes alone! Hoptical Illusion is one of my all time favorites (Blue Point Brewery is in my hometown!), and I'm a big fan of the Dogfish 60 and 90 minutes as well...120 was too much for me so I guess you can judge my limits based on that.

Well, we like to be liked! Thanks for being a fan! Give the 120 Minute another try, I suspect it was a bit too sweet for your liking? The latest release actually has a hop presence! And it's a bit drier. Much improved.
Around 6 or 7%. Not quite an Imperial IPA. Im a huge IPA fanatic, and love hoppy beers. Im currently in talks with a very good brewery to help release this in 22 ounce bombers.

Which brewery? Or is it a secret. Shhhh. Though 'very good' could be Smuttynose.

What are some of your favorite IPA's? Mine are Hop Wallop, Hoptical Illusion, Hopdevil, 420 IPA, Hop3, Dogfish Head 60 Minute, Dogfish Head 90 Minute, and when I want a lesser hop kick IPA I go with Harpoon IPA.

You have xcellent taste in IPA's (especially DFH, thanks) - If you like the 420 try the 840, it's nuts.

I cant drink anything domestic like Bud, Coors, Miller, Michelob, etc etc. The only mainstream beer I'll drink really is Sam Adams.

Macro Swill. :puke:
Which brewery? Or is it a secret. Shhhh. Though 'very good' could be Smuttynose.

You have xcellent taste in IPA's (especially DFH, thanks) - If you like the 420 try the 840, it's nuts.

Macro Swill. :puke:

Yes Smuttynose IPA is excellent! How did I forget that one! The Big A IPA Imperial Smuttynose does in bombers is great as well! The brewery Im in talks with is NOT Smuttynose but is based out of MA not NH (hint hint hehe).

Stonecoast does an 840? I've never seen it! Also I forgot to mention Wipeout IPA, Two Brothers IPA, and there 22 ounce bomber limited brews HOP JUICE!

The last Dogfish 120 I tried was a little too much like a barleywine for my tastes.

Well, we like to be liked! Thanks for being a fan! Give the 120 Minute another try, I suspect it was a bit too sweet for your liking? The latest release actually has a hop presence! And it's a bit drier. Much improved.

You're with DFH? Awesome! :worship:

It was a bit too sweet for my liking but I'm thinking it might be more of an acquired taste since I'm not too used to it, so I plan on keeping at it! Only problem is that the 120 is kinda pricey :p
Yes Smuttynose IPA is excellent! How did I forget that one! The Big A IPA Imperial Smuttynose does in bombers is great as well! The brewery Im in talks with is NOT Smuttynose but is based out of MA not NH (hint hint hehe).

Stonecoast does an 840? I've never seen it! Also I forgot to mention Wipeout IPA, Two Brothers IPA, and there 22 ounce bomber limited brews HOP JUICE!

The last Dogfish 120 I tried was a little too much like a barleywine for my tastes.


Yesiree, 840 looks a little like this

Good hint by the way, there's only about 30 breweries in MA. Not even gonna try and guess.

On the 120 front, I've got an email in to Sam. When I find out the bottling dates for the latest hoppier batch I will let you and 'shaq' know.

Q: are you on
You're with DFH? Awesome! :worship:

It was a bit too sweet for my liking but I'm thinking it might be more of an acquired taste since I'm not too used to it, so I plan on keeping at it! Only problem is that the 120 is kinda pricey :p

No worshiping please, :lol: I'm just a Connecticut promo rep.

Persistence will pay off grasshopper.:)

I'll let you know the bottling dates for the latest and greatest incarnation of 120, as soon as I hear back from Sam. Then, the time will be, to try again.
I'll do better, I plan to visit Delaware in Sept. If you get me some by then, I'll bring it with me. I always bring some unique North East beers down there when I visit. :headbang:

Awesome! Im on beer advocate but rarely login *sigh*. I do read reviews from time to time.

Did you try Stones 10th Anniversary IPA? Not bad at all. Also ever try anything from Troegs brewery in PA? The Hopback Amber, and the Nugget Nectar (not quite as good as hop wallop) or both really decent. Ive also tried Lancaster Brewerys HOP HOG but it tasted more like Sam Adams Boston Ale (Not Lager). Good session beer but not even remotely hoppy.

Oh and I cant believe I havent posted my lame beer chugging videos from youtube! LOL! You'll be pleased to see one featuring DFH beer!
Awesome! Im on beer advocate but rarely login *sigh*. I do read reviews from time to time.

Did you try Stones 10th Anniversary IPA? Not bad at all. Also ever try anything from Troegs brewery in PA? The Hopback Amber, and the Nugget Nectar (not quite as good as hop wallop) or both really decent. Ive also tried Lancaster Brewerys HOP HOG but it tasted more like Sam Adams Boston Ale (Not Lager). Good session beer but not even remotely hoppy.

Loved the 10th anniversary! But I under-bought thinking it would be in stores longer than a month. I've got one bottle left.:cry:

I've heard great things about Troegs, but haven't had the opportunity to try any. Nearest dist. looks to be Jersey, I'll pick some up in Delaware in September. Any recommendations?

Oh and I cant believe I havent posted my lame beer chugging videos from youtube! LOL! You'll be pleased to see one featuring DFH beer!

Ok, those were very amusing.! I've never actually seen anyone chug craft beer before. You may have inadvertently invented a new sport.!

'"You know you watch a lot of videos on YouTube, (dramatic pause) these guys drink piss."

The delivery on that line was just perfect.! :lol:
I've heard great things about Troegs, but haven't had the opportunity to try any. Nearest dist. looks to be Jersey, I'll pick some up in Delaware in September. Any recommendations?

Ok, those were very amusing.! I've never actually seen anyone chug craft beer before. You may have inadvertently invented a new sport.!

'"You know you watch a lot of videos on YouTube, (dramatic pause) these guys drink piss."

The delivery on that line was just perfect.! :lol:

Hopback Amber, and the Nugget Nectar from Troegs. Both really good!

Thanks for the comments on my videos. Some people misinterpret them but they are just fun videos I did with a buddy while drinking some of my favorite beers! More to come soon so keep a look out!

Any great beverage/liquor places in CT I should keep an eye out for? I've been to the HOPS, and JOHN HARVARDS in Manchester CT. Both really great places! A shame so many of the HOPS closed but hey serves em right for not having a solid backbone IPA!
Hopback Amber, and the Nugget Nectar from Troegs. Both really good!

Thanks for the comments on my videos. Some people misinterpret them but they are just fun videos I did with a buddy while drinking some of my favorite beers! More to come soon so keep a look out!

Any great beverage/liquor places in CT I should keep an eye out for? I've been to the HOPS, and JOHN HARVARDS in Manchester CT. Both really great places! A shame so many of the HOPS closed but hey serves em right for not having a solid backbone IPA!

Depends on where in CT, the few good places we DO have are spread out pretty far from each other. With that in mind.

Willimantic Brewing / Main St. Cafe
One of my favorites, the owner/brewer David can do no wrong, and the food is top notch. Usually 8 house brews can be found, with many guest taps also.

Cambridge House Brwepub
Stellar food, 5 house brews (the Abijah Rowe IPA is f'n awesome) numerous guest taps also, but nothing too special. Special thanks to these guys for getting our idiotic brewpub law changed. CT brewpubs can now bottle and distribute throughout the state. :kickass:

There are others but these 2 are the best.

Delaney's Taproom
What's a trip to New Haven without stopping here? I believe 48 taps with a lot of them being obscure or unusual stuff. (for CT anyway) Food's alright but you go there for the beer.!

Eli Cannons
An absolute must. 36-38 taps plus one or two cask's. The food rocks, atmosphere is just like being home. It's a bit smallish, but there's a patio with plenty of space. Just a great place to hang out, eat, and drink.

Check out BA for more info.

Oh, thanks for the Troegs advice, I'll start with those 2 and see how it goes.