The Maidens working with Maiden


People may not believe me, but they have worked together! They recorded a couple of tracks in the studio together recently. I've heard them and they sound awesome! :headbang: :worship:

It was a bit of a nightmare in the studio together really. Bruce and Aja kept trying out scream each other, Sara and Dave kept nipping outside for a quick cigarette and Nicko and Linda kept trying to see who could do the fastest kick drumming. It was very competitive I tell ya! When they finally got down to some work, it sounded great!! The production was a bit iffy tho, I think Martin Birch had been down the Ruskin Arms a few too many times!! It's not up to his usual standards and doesn't flow in some parts as well as it should. Oh well, it still rocks!!!

All will be revealed very soon, when I can upload their work together!!! :loco:
Riggy said:
PM me, maybe I can host the file for a while if it's not too big..
I also think you can put some stuff here..

I have an account at soundclick but you're not allowed to put copyrighted material on there. :erk:

I should be able to host it somewhere tonight, if not can I email them to you? One's about 3mb and the other about 4mb. Thanks!
Sure thing, just let me know! We'll work on the details. I think the easiest way of working this out is either via MSN or Yahoo messenger. Just let me know.
alanbirdsell said:
He he, I had been thinking of tinkering with trying that. Good to see it's possible. I have all this music editing software here going to waste :D

You'd probably do a better job of it than me!! Mine's very patchy in places and sometimes flows together fine, others times it sounds a bit crap. Not bad for a free program I found on the internet tho eh?? :loco:
you can tell where the patchy areas are, but when it's good it's good....they sounded about evenly matched to me. Awesome sound!
Stone said:
you can tell where the patchy areas are, but when it's good it's good....they sounded about evenly matched to me. Awesome sound!

Yep, there was a couple of bits that I just couldn't get to flow. But other bits like Clive's drum intro into the Maidens guitar bit (which sounds so much cooler to me!), the first joint chorus flowing into Aja's verse etc flows brilliantly. I couldn't get some of the solos in both to flow well at all so they sound very patchy. I think I did rather well for half an hour's work! :cool: