The Matrix Trilogy... of three.

@Mel: Well... Trinity dies in the most stupid way ever!!! She survives to everything, and... can't a better final be planned to her? And the action scenes are like Dragon Ball adapted to Matrix, a bunch of *pim* *pum* *ouch* *pam* *ka me ka meeee* *ah* *que te meto, bacalao*. Action scenes justified are chupi, random action scenes focused on impress your retina are just that, impressions without a reason, a final battle without purpose.

And you say you "preferred to know more details", when I'd say "I would love to know what the hell happened aside from a brief and lucky negotiation with the machine head". You're right, the plot is a bit and a lot fucked up, nothing makes sense but the fact of having to do whatever far from any spiritual, religious, metaphisical or trascendental meaning, just a simple negotiation. A lot of questions left to your imagination: why Neo can destroy things in the "real world"? Why Neo see bright lights around him when he's blind? How a single gun robot can stand against some hundreds of machine-octopus? Because IMO the battle at Zion is stretched as the battle with the Smiths was in the second movie, a lot of special effects to finally press a button to paralyze the octopus-shaped intruders. :hypno:

Monica Belluci's breast is the best part!!! The part at the station is absurd, meaningless to the main plot. How can Neo be connected to Matrix without being actually connected? Wireless-mental systems? And the Architect is a very democratic man, who will unplug every man that wishes to be released. Yeah, everything to keep the promise the machine-head did with Neo, because the Machines can feel love but cannot lie or deceive. Can't believe it...


P.S: Mel, this doesn't mean I don't respect your tastes or opinions, I'm just opening new discussion lines by expressing my disagreement. You know I love you. :wave:
|ngenius said:
@Mel: Well... Trinity dies in the most stupid way ever!!! She survives to everything, and... can't a better final be planned to her? And the action scenes are like Dragon Ball adapted to Matrix, a bunch of *pim* *pum* *ouch* *pam* *ka me ka meeee* *ah* *que te meto, bacalao*. Action scenes justified are chupi, random action scenes focused on impress your retina are just that, impressions without a reason, a final battle without purpose.

And you say you "preferred to know more details", when I'd say "I would love to know what the hell happened aside from a brief and lucky negotiation with the machine head". You're right, the plot is a bit and a lot fucked up, nothing makes sense but the fact of having to do whatever far from any spiritual, religious, metaphisical or trascendental meaning, just a simple negotiation. A lot of questions left to your imagination: why Neo can destroy things in the "real world"? Why Neo see bright lights around him when he's blind? How a single gun robot can stand against some hundreds of machine-octopus? Because IMO the battle at Zion is stretched as the battle with the Smiths was in the second movie, a lot of special effects to finally press a button to paralyze the octopus-shaped intruders. :hypno:

Monica Belluci's breast is the best part!!! The part at the station is absurd, meaningless to the main plot. How can Neo be connected to Matrix without being actually connected? Wireless-mental systems? And the Architect is a very democratic man, who will unplug every man that wishes to be released. Yeah, everything to keep the promise the machine-head did with Neo, because the Machines can feel love but cannot lie or deceive. Can't believe it...


P.S: Mel, this doesn't mean I don't respect your tastes or opinions, I'm just opening new discussion lines by expressing my disagreement. You know I love you. :wave:
Nononoonono!!! i don't think trinity dies in the most stupid at all...
Our hero here goes where no other human has been...not only that she is steering with one damned hand in the city of the machines...that's absolutely amazing...I prefer ten times a dead ala "technical problems with a more than reasonable accident" than a machine eats her head...I found it pretty cool :)

And well, I agree that just amazing action parts won't make a good movie, at least will make them an interesting one. There's very few ways Matrix could be doing something good after Matrix "I think this could pass as a second part without much people noticing what a crap it is" Reloaded.

Obviously when you've taken one of the best scripts (the first movie) and stabbed it so randomly that it leaks everywhere, then there's no way to go back. Yes, the plot sucks this time, yes, it doesn't have anything to do with the original idea and YES the hyper brief negotiation with the machines and the incomplete final is a deception, BUT at least this movie made me hold my breathe for at least half of the movie. The battle of Sion might be really exaggerated but it's a damn well done battle.

So thumbs up for the Matrix Revolutions though i agree that in terms of plot the thing is way too ambigious and loose.

I just think the guys wanted to leave it open for a future matrix or something related to it...since NEO doesn't die, and the machines don't die...and the matrix keeps going and "some" people will be freed....But of course if people get freed from the matrix, then the machines won't have power to "live"...

As i said, it's just a fun and entertaining movie for all family with the small grief of what's lost from the 1st movie and the huge relief from what's improven from the second!!!! :p

Yeah, Neo doesn't die, he can join Terminator and Son Goku and make a party out of this. In the meanwhile, Skynet and the "Machine Head" can get married. And Smith would be the priest!!! :Smug:

|ng (Who can't believe such a waste of money is acclaimed in any way...)
Holy !"·$%%&&&(&(/))=???¿?¿¿=**ÇÇ*()/(&= my post disappeared :waah: thanx to my godgiven stupidity :waah: :waah:

now it is impossible to post a post as original as the previous :cry:

anyway,let´s try:

|ngenius said:
Yeah, Neo doesn't die, he can join Terminator and Son Goku and make a party out of this. In the meanwhile, Skynet and the "Machine Head" can get married. And Smith would be the priest!!! :Smug:
here i was teasing Ingy that maybe he could write the script to the 4rth matrix, but at the same time i´m glad he´s never considered doing so,cause we´ve had enough of Matrix heheh

then i was saying that his points are logical,and that many of them are also questions of mine,which i really haven´t found any answers to.... the more i think about this issues,the more confused i get and think that maybe i haven´t understood a shit of the last matrix....
My only disagreement has to do with trinity death.I think trinity had to die,cause she had somehow reached her limits.She follows Neo somewhere where she knows that would lead her to her end just because she thinks she has to help him. Let alone that she had to die,so that Neo could go on to accomplish his mission (their physical bond had to be destroyed in some way). I got sad about Trinity´s death,cause she was probably my favourite characted of Matrix... :( but i think she had to go...people are tired of superheroes who never die,so letting one of the main characters pass away was quite a decent decision...

what more was i rambling on about??? oh,yes.Than even though i liked the movie,i´m not really sure if i should recommend it to anybody,since apart from the action scenes maybe there is no other "quality" stuff in the movie... The more i think of it,the less interesting i find the movie... crap :( I only know that i really enjoyed some scenes and that many parts were well-made....but is that enough to make a movie good?? (rhetorical question :p)

/troll (here i was saying that i was very sleepy and wondered if anybody would understand what i´m trying to say... also,i was expressing my wish of a bed,my pijamas ,a bookie and somebody to tell me that tomorrow it´s not friday,but saturday ) naniiiiiii
@Mel: I'm not going to write anything following the Matrix Revolutions movie, I assure you. (You can let your breath out now, hehe). And I know what you mean, because I did not find the movie *strictly* boring, it was rather disappointing, but not wasting to your senses, the unstoppable rythm makes its job on that.

About Trinity, it's ok, she had to die. But after surviving a lot of things, after that rebirth on a roof thanks to Neo and his sudden surgery skills that let him to remove the bullets... why she died in a simple car crash? Why nobody thought it was good to "kill" the character in a scene where Trinity can justify her death in an heroic action protecting Neo or contributing to the mission? Alright, she was driving for a blind and some thousands of machines made her lose the control and crash the car. That could happen in the real life, damnit. :yell:

Think we agreed more or less, though. The ending part is the worse, me thinks. But wanna set another important question. The resistance was made to free the mankind from the mental control they were put under by the machines. But the real world was darker and rather sad so, is not better not to know about the mental influence and keep living in Matrix? I mean, you're living a lie, but how do you know you aren't right now? And what is "reality", after all? Aren't we mental consciences living a subjective and very personal reality everyone of us, after all? So? What is Matrix but a big Disneyland that seems fully real? What do you think? ;)

|ng (Who is planning a trip to London the next week...)
yes, i've got also that feeling...I mean, while i was watching the movie I was feeling rather cool and feeling that it was a great action movie...I even got out of the cinema and the 200 m way back home beating the hell out of imaginary Mr.Smiths :loco:

But the more I think about the plot and the storyline i get the feeling that indeed it was such a great movie...

well...watchagonna do!!
|ngenius said:
Think we agreed more or less, though. The ending part is the worse, me thinks. But wanna set another important question. The resistance was made to free the mankind from the mental control they were put under by the machines. But the real world was darker and rather sad so, is not better not to know about the mental influence and keep living in Matrix? I mean, you're living a lie, but how do you know you aren't right now? And what is "reality", after all? Aren't we mental consciences living a subjective and very personal reality everyone of us, after all? So? What is Matrix but a big Disneyland that seems fully real? What do you think? ;)

|ng (Who is planning a trip to London the next week...)
About Trinity's death,you have a very good point there,indeed.... but being a strange troll,i prefer the "real-world"ish death,cause it would be too much if the made her look even more heroic....Maybe the chose this way of dying in order to counterbalance her heroic contribution in the whole movie... besides we shouldn´t forget that she was completely human,so she had to die in a human way...

I bow to your thoughts on Matrix vs reality bows
It seemed cooler to live in the Matrix world,than in the real one,even if the world of matrix didn´t seem so attractive anyway,but the matter is that in the matrix people were deprived of their freedom, which is also important...
Hmmmm now that i come to think of it,in none of the movies it is so well depicted what was so bad about the matrix...but maybe the fact that it was some sort of slavery is enough by itself...
Personally,i´d prefer to live in the matrix than in a shitty Zion or a shitty ship with morpheus :p

I liked the question on our reality ;)

Uff,the more i think of it,the more of a flop becomes the whole Matrix story!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ingy@ maybe you are in London now :) If so,i hope you are having the most wondeful time :)

A hug to all the Matrix-thread-participants ;)
yeees i made a typo!!! :p

Ing & Mel: Well the BIG GREAT POINT of the first movie is exactly that. Many people thought it was the FX but it was not. The real great point on the first matrix was to outstand this decision. What is better, to know the truth and be shitty free or to live a lie and live decently enough not to be depressed ALL the time. They play a lot with that...remember the red and blue pill??? that's the first time that they put you to think about knowledge or comfort! And also even one of the characters decides to be put back in the Matrix in order to live a lie instead of the crappy existance in real life and thus selling his own friends. The struggle reality vs. matrix was omnipresent in the whole movie and THAT was the amazing thing.

I don't know how many times I had been asked which pill I would take back in Matrix I period (i always replied I don't take pills :p ) The concept and the story made it an amazing outstanding movie. And that's why the sequels make you feel awkward, because that point is lost and the story gets blurred and the aims for Neo and his friends become different in a way to reach for a final without having the feeling that life is crap once they destroy the machines.

So we'll have just to sit and mourn that the Matrix II and III have just lost the focus, but well, at least we still have the amazing and thrilling plot of Matrix I.

Now, how was your trip to London city??? :grin:

Melonaki,i liked your whole post :) :thumbs up:

which pill would i take??? err,it depends on my life's situation at the certain moment i would be offered the pill (diplomatic reply :p)

no matrix for tonight :grin: More chanting from me in 2 days...

/troll (soooooooooooolen går bak åse ned....)
@FV: Those who thought the big point were the FX are the dumbasses, mainly (the great average of people? Maybe :grin: ). The movie was awesome regarding special effects, no room for the doubt, but there was a great amount of metaphisical-philosophical-religious stuff that gave a strong sense to it all. That's why I came up with my question above.

However, and that's actually the point we should ponder about when deciding which pill we'll swallow (la de la seta, tron, la de la seta!), if freedom is the chance to choose by your own will, the citizens in Matrix were indeed deciding about their lives, but living into a mental representation of the world (something that is in much our own real representation of the world if we contemplate the almighty subjectivity among us). So, did Morpheus trick up Neo on the pill selection? :p

@MelonTroll: Yeap, this November the 26th I was in Chatham (Kent, but nothing to do with Barbie), my second day there if I'm not mistaken. I'll do a short review soon, because I'm just back at home and starving like a hungry lion. Thanx!! :)

|ng (who prefers the american accent)
Sept 26th??? November maybe??

About Matrix...well I think we all agree, then. It was a great plot turned into a just FX!

fathervic (looking terribly forward to The Return Of The King and My Misterious Trip To England :p )
My Trip To UK

The sky is permanently clouded, the rain hesitates and falls intermitently, and people tend to be cold, distant and selfish, but polite. That could be the sentence that defines England from my eyes.

The reason to have that trip is that my friends were moving back to Spain after 3 years living in Chatham (Kent), a little town placed about 1 hour and a half from London, and a friend of mine decided to go and take some profit of the last week with her sister, and she invited me as well. So, prior to the event the expectations were high: I was going to visit London for a very low price, meeting some good friends of mine and being hosted by them for free and the british band Thunder was going to play live in the London Astoria that saturday!!!! What else can I demand?!

Generally speaking, I passed that week doing something very english: shopping. Even though, it wasn't me who bought things, but my (female) friends who were actually obssessed looking for clothes. Luckily, the boyfriend of one of the two girls was on my side, and we became experts in exploring english pubs in order to avoid the shopping activity.

I met a nice catalan couple who were living in the shared house of my friends in Chatham, the boy joined us in our exploring missions and the girl did the same regarding the shopping fever. There were odd situations, though. It happens to me constantly. Sometimes you meet people behaving strangly, who get angry or upset with some kind of avoidable things or seemingly uncapable of talking about them. Instead, they spread their messy thoughts rumour-shaped and... I simply miss the useful point on that. But well, it was a minor problem.

The food was a mix of everything. They add a lot of things mixed and adding lotsa sauce, spicy and tasty but poor in quality. I like the wide range of tastes you can choose when buying potatoes, and I'm sure FatherVic would appreciate "Doritos with Onion and Mushroom", but when eating (and not merely doin' time swallowing potatoes and snacks) I demand FOOD, well-cooked.

Thunder had their moment, and it was Saturday night. The gig was sold out since monday, so I was obliged to look for tickets at the door the night of the show. We succeed, and the show was great, but they missed a couple of classic tunes. :yell: The sound of the Astoria was really astonishing, one of the best places I've ever been.

And... well, that was all, more or less. The english public TV is better than the spanish one in general terms, they have the same reality shows that are aired everywhere but they don't spend the rest of the day talking about them with extravagant people. I hadn't the chance to see how is the "Sky", the pay-per-view english system. And... dunno what more... I'll tell you further details later if there's something I forgot to say. I can't be of any help with the terrible desire FV has to see LoTR: TROTK, I'm sorry. :p


P.S: (Ryanair arrange flights from Barcelona to London for 14 Euros!! And the flight back to Barcelona was even cheaper: 0,01 pounds!!!!).
Whaaaaaaaaat....Doritos Onion flavoured???? wow, that's cool :p hehehe

Glad you had a nice time despite the weather...I've never been to the UK and sure one day I would love to go there and experience the multiflavoured chips :p

"Ryanair arrange flights from Barcelona to London for 14 Euros!! And the flight back to Barcelona was even cheaper: 0,01 pounds!!!!"

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?? are you serious (and don't tell me you're palestinious :p) 0,01 pounds??? So you went and came back to England for 14,1 euros??????? arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

fathervic (predicting a weekend in England once he and she are stablished in Spain ;) )
Robotaki!!! welcome back :) xairomai pou se xanavlepo (=i'm happy to see you again)

It's very nice to know that you had a nice time escaping for some days :) let's hope that this was the first in a row of many pleasant trips!
hmmmm i'm not really a shopping freak,but i DO enjoy checking some certains shops and "escaparates" especially before Xmas,so i think i envy you :grin:

Btw,your flight was EXTREMELY CHEAP!!! i mean :wooow!!!:

/troll (now somebody else in here is also predicting a weekend in England ;) )
The tricky point on these 0,01 pounds is that they specify the taxes later, and the taxes were 10 pounds more (the ticket to get the bus to the Stansted airport costs the very same, so it is very reasonable). Think the whole trip costs about... 20 €. In fact, it is way cheaper to book a flight to London this way and then get a plane to Finland or Sweden than book a direct flight to those nothern countries directly.

@Mel: Yeap, think that shopping instinct is kinda genetical in women, because I do not enjoy them that much. :yell: And the male hobbies are not my cup of tea either (you know, cars and sports). It's not chupi to be different... :erk:

|ng (Just a robotaki)
Indeed dear robot many women are hooked on shopping,which can be annoying...hopefelly i lack many of the typical female habits,so i guess males can come to me for shopping without freaking out :grin:

The typical male hobbies suck :muahaha: it's cool meeting men who are not hooked on cars and people who kick balls on grass!!!! So,come on,don't get down, it's not so bad being different,is it? ;) Imagine if all women were nuts about clothes and all men about cars,how dull it would be!!! So let's be proud of ourselves ;)

/troll (who wants to visit greenland!!!! :loco: )