The Mentality of Averse Sefira


Jan 30, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I was reading an interview on with Wrath, bandmember of Averse Sefira. He said some things that I though were interesting to say the least. 1) "Christianity should be outlawed, because it propogates endless breeding, which in turn creates criminals, undesirables and those of no use.) ( I am paraphrasing) 2) "waging a war with Islam is like hitting a hornets nest with a clenched fist, it may be an important strike, but the survivors will swarm around the fist and destroy it." I feel these are sensible thoughts. He also believes that Funeral Mist and Watain are the best Black Metal bands working now. Does anybody have any thoughts on these comments? And has anyone heard Averse Sefira's music? They are a Black Metal band from Texas, U.S.A.:err:
Christianity should be outlawed, because it propogates endless breeding, which in turn creates criminals, undesirables and those of no use.
Human nature (and Mormonism) propogates "endless breeding", not Christianity, which, if anything, stifles it. What a quack.
edit: if you need proof, look at population statistics in various countries
Braighs, I don't need to check your statement, I'm sure it's correct. I must retract my "sensible" comment on the "endless breeding." It is lame. But, on the "clenched fist and hornets nest" IMO, is a good analogy of the war in Iraq. Anyway, I should have clarified and stressed that my true reason for this post was to determine if anyone here has heard Averse Sefira. And if they are a good band. I don't know how much cred people give to for reviews and recommendations, but that was who referred this band. In that, they are carrying on the true essence of Black Metal. Just curious, as I'm always up for discovering new bands.
Human nature (and Mormonism) propogates "endless breeding", not Christianity, which, if anything, stifles it. What a quack.
edit: if you need proof, look at population statistics in various countries


not to mention the reason he probably wants it outlawed is fear. why would he care about some religion's spread unless he felt threatened by it? it's the same reason people are bombing other people all around the world. fear.

as for the music, can't say that i've heard his band.
Yeah, that quote on Christianity is about the most assinine thing he could have said, and I mean its not like Christians don't give you any material to work with!
Exactly - all extremism is essentially motivated by fear, insecurity, self-doubt. As for the clenched fist thing, I don't think that's true - if the war had been planned out well, it could have been much more than just "an important strike."
I agree that Funeral Mist and Watain are the best black metal bands from Sweden working now. No, I haven't heard any of their music but if it's in the vein of the two bands he mentioned, I'll give it a listen.
2) "waging a war with Islam is like hitting a hornets nest with a clenched fist, it may be an important strike, but the survivors will swarm around the fist and destroy it."

That isn't so much a 'sensible thought' as a fairly obvious observation that anyone who even remotely follows the world news could make.
One of the best current black metal bands in the world band right now
Have you heard this band? And could you elaborate? I think all posts made here are pretty accurate. The basis for derision in this world is FEAR!! While most people I"ve talked to dismss "BLack Metal" as stupid and assinine, I thought Wraths comments (albeit re-actionary) shows that not all Black Mettallers are idiots. He seems very intelligient about many things, and shows another side to Black Metal musicians. Granted, there are a lot of horrid bands in this genre. And I certainly don't believe everything I read, it does make for interesting discussions. I separate the idealogy of the band and the music.
Elaboration: I've heard Tetragrammatical Astygmata and Battle's Clarion. I found both good but I found TS better.. Sounds extremely generic at first, but a few listens sets it apart from other black metal crap. The working together of the instruments - haven't heard many bands in which the bass and drums provide anything more than rhythm, and here they provide much more. Structure: Symmetry, contrast and unpredictable and dynamic phrasing play a huge role, things which make it all the more interesting on repeated listens. Lyrics are extremely cryptic and I can't say I understand them at all but I'm intrigued. Their variety of instrumental technique, tempo and chordal shapes set it apart from monotonous black metal. It doesn't plod along like Darkthrone and it isn't ridiculously cinematic like Dimmu Borgir. I don't really care about his ideology, by the way.
Battle's Clarion is quite good. It has a lot of rather catchy parts, and fast moving songs with many transitions that are done well. The vocals are good, done in the traditional high pitched style. Production is pretty clear. Drumming has lots of blasting, but enough variety overall. This album is probably more likely to grab you than TA, which I found boring initially, and never gave enough attention to.
hey, did you ever hear the term, "freedom of the press." people may write what they want, and i like to read varying opinions. it's a mental excercise. and, no i don't agree with the "hate and fear" that is expressed on, but i respect their "freedom to give their ideas." filter out the bad and keep the good. i'm not a rat in a maze. i don't follow every corridor of someone else's thoughts and ideas. i am a leader in my own way. besides, varg is a social retard. if he was so powerful and intelligient he would,nt be doing time.
Anyone who's spent a reasonable amount of time in society knows that the powerful and intelligent are most often the ones who are societal outcasts (whatever powerful means in this context: I've never heard Varg say he is powerful). Ever thought that it might be society, not Varg, who is flawed? Just a possibility...

He probably said the breeding comment on Christianity because many "fundamentalist" families have huge amounts of kids (which is a statistical fact in America's south). Otherwise I think the band could be bhetter, I just don't think they're that great...then again, the vocals annoy the shit out of me.

Damn good wasp analogy though :kickass:
I was reading an interview on with Wrath, bandmember of Averse Sefira. He said some things that I though were interesting to say the least. 1) "Christianity should be outlawed, because it propogates endless breeding, which in turn creates criminals, undesirables and those of no use.) ( I am paraphrasing) 2) "waging a war with Islam is like hitting a hornets nest with a clenched fist, it may be an important strike, but the survivors will swarm around the fist and destroy it." I feel these are sensible thoughts. He also believes that Funeral Mist and Watain are the best Black Metal bands working now. Does anybody have any thoughts on these comments? And has anyone heard Averse Sefira's music? They are a Black Metal band from Texas, U.S.A.:err:

...and u think these are SENSIBLE thoghts....!!!...hahha....u have to eb teh most dimwitted,idiotic gullable fuck ive ever known...hahhaha...!!....its a shame internet give any friggin idiot a idiots like this poster would think this redneck-knowitall from Texas is his sole authority of morals ,,,,....feck me.....but teh day a moronic idiot liek this can make claims and ppl say its outta here.....aliens please take me away....!!!......hahaha.......PEAC EOUT