Even though your culture oppresses women you still suck, you fucking towelhead
...and u think these are SENSIBLE thoghts....!!!...hahha....u have to eb teh most dimwitted,idiotic gullable fuck ive ever known...hahhaha...!!....its a shame internet give any friggin idiot a voice....now idiots like this poster would think this redneck-knowitall from Texas is his sole authority of morals ,,,,....feck me.....but teh day a moronic idiot liek this can make claims and ppl say its sensible......im outta here.....aliens please take me away....!!!......hahaha.......PEAC EOUT
This made me![]()
He actually had a good argument but that comment "PM has all powers" totally ruined it
While Waz is assuming too much about the dude, I think theres nothing sensible or interesting about Wrath's thoughts.
Human nature (and Mormonism) propogates "endless breeding", not Christianity, which, if anything, stifles it. What a quack.
edit: if you need proof, look at population statistics in various countries
Not to mention that the LDS church is clearly an offshoot of Christianity...
LDS are mormons right? a VERY catholic fraction?
fill me in on this one please
It looks like you haven't been paying attention to those demographic statistics yourself. Population growth is very rapid in parts of the world where Christianity is still an active force (sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America) and non-existent in countries that are primarily secular (Western Europe and Japan). If you think about it, it makes perfect sense - Christianity not only has that 'be fruitful and multiply' command it inherited from Judaism, but the patriarchal nuclear family (with lots of kids) represents an idealized reflection of the Christian cosmic order.
Not to mention that the LDS church is clearly an offshoot of Christianity...