The metal scene R.I.P.

its the kids like that that start the emo hardcore bands. too geeky to be cool so they reinvent cool practically and now all the kids wana be the persecuted geek who's life is devoted to music.

all you need is an ally some black and white film
I blame kurt cobain and black metal

theres a guy giving out on that irish heavy metal thing about people stage diving at gigs and ruining his enjoyment of bands, and another guy complaining that there might be moshing at the motorhead gig :/

RIP indeed
there was this lad in the metro yesterday, about 17, he had nirvana tshirt and he looked really gay, with spikes and stuff like that, dead trendy, and i felt sorry for him cause i thought he completely missed nirvana's point.
i blame def leppard too, fucking poofters. god tried to make them understand they should stop, he sent a few hints like, even went as far as chopping their drummers arm off, but they just wouldnt get it.